The Tree By The Lake

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I own nothing! J.K.Rowling owns everything!

I could kill my computer at the moment, I wrote two chapters worth of this story but it didn't save because my computer refused to connect to the internet, and then to make matters worse it refused to turn on today so I lost everything!!!!!!!!

UGH... so I'm sorry if this isn't as good as it was originally - I'll probably change a lot of the chapter simply because I know that it won't be as good. Sorry.


It was the 29th of February, several who attended Hogwarts were fuming due to the cancellation of the next trip to Hogsmeade - made known to them via a sign on all common room notice boards. Hermione was also particularly irritated, however not so much due to the cancelled trip, more to do with the mood swings she's been suffering because of her pregnancy. The progress of her pregnancy wasn't all bad though, her morning sickness had subsided considerably, and the spell she had found in 'A Pureblood Woman's Enchiridion To Creating The Perfect Illusion' was successfully hiding Hermione's baby bump and unbelievably swollen ankles. Her irritation and frustration was, however, added to by the constant and painful back and abdomen pains she experienced.

About 3 hours after classes had ended, Hermione could be found making her way back to the large castle from one of the benches located on the shore of the Black Lake, where she had been studying and soaking up the sun in silence - as most people still thought it too cold to go outside. The day was as pleasant as Hermione could comprehend it to be (take into account the back aches) as the sun was shining through one of the valleys around Hogwarts, glistening off the water (and random patches of ice) and reflecting off the window panes - blinding Hermione as she walked.

"Hermione!" A voice shouted, causing Hermione to look up from the ground only to be greeted by the sight of a silhouette running towards her from the school. As the figure got closer, Hermione could make out the colour of hair that sat atop the person's head. Ginger. "Hermione!" Ron called again as he stopped in front of her, he put a hand on her shoulder as if to steady himself. Hermione flinched at the touch, they were far from being on good terms. Ron upon noticing the flinch, retracted his hand and apologised. "Sorry." He looked behind him, feeling slightly on edge, but about what, Hermione had no idea. He frowned slightly as if trying to decide something before taking a quick breath. "Look Hermione, I know we haven't been great friends recently but I was wondering if we could be civil for a little while. It is my birthday tomorrow, and I would like that very much." He rushed out.

Hermione was quite relieved by the hand of friendship or at least civility that Ron was extending towards her, at times she had got really quite tired of the front she had been putting up when around Ron, however her pride and the fact that those moments often disappeared quickly prevented her from saying anything about it. And it was his birthday tomorrow, so Hermione couldn't really say no. Hermione nodded, while smiling slightly. "Alright, I'd like that too, Ron."

"Brilliant!" Ron gave her a quick hug, before looking behind his shoulder again, back towards the school. "If you need me I'll be at the tree by the lake, I'm trying to hide from Lavender." Hermione's smile dropped and her eyes darkened, but Ron took no notice of this. "If you see Lavender, you did not see me, okay?"

Hermione thought for a second, she could help one of her best friends since first year or she could destroy Mr Heartbreaker who really had taken her heart and broken it into a thousand pieces the night of the Gryffindor Victory party. A sly smile crept onto her face, but Ron couldn't tell the difference in smiles. "Okay, Ron. I promise I won't tell Lavender that you are at the tree by the lake."

"Thank you so much!" Ron exclaimed. He hugged her again before going off towards the tree. "Thanks Hermione, you're a real friend!" He called over his shoulder, although he didn't even bother to turn around.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at the retreating figure. He had used her to hide from his girlfriend, to get her to send Lavender in the opposite direction. She was just a pawn in a Ron Weasley Wizard's Chess game at this moment, and she hated it. She was the distraction, the diversion. She huffed and stomped the rest of the way to the school, where she then reeled herself in when in the building - she didn't want to make enough noise to attract attention.

As Hermione past the Great Hall someone ran into her, causing her books fly out of her arms and for herself to fall painfully to the floor with a loud thud. Normally, Hermione's first reaction would have been to collect her books, however, instead a hand flew to her stomach as if to reassure herself that nothing had happened to the baby. After a several seconds, Hermione was sure that the baby was fine, and she was just about to give the person a piece of her mind when she saw Lavender Brown's hand extended towards her, as if to help her up. Once up, Lavender then handed Hermione her books.

"Lavender." Hermione said, as she eyed Lavender suspiciously and cautiously.

"Oh, Hermione!" Lavender threw her hands up in the air. "I'm so sorry. I was in such a rush to find my Won-Won, apparently we're playing some version of hide and seek, that I wasn't looking where I was going and ran straight into you! I am so sorry."

"It's alri-"

"Oh Hermione," Lavender interrupted, batting her eyelashes and pouting her lips at Hermione, "Have you seen my Won-Won?" 

A mischievous smile fell upon Hermione's face before she smiled sweetly. "He's at the tree by the lake." Hermione said, pointing behind her.

Lavender ran off, without so much of a 'thank you'. Hermione didn't care, she continued to walk towards the Gryffindor common room with an impish smile. This smile, however, disappeared the instant she saw Draco Malfoy leaning against the portrait of the Fat Lady.


Well, I've finished rewriting one chapter. I think it is better than the one I had originally written, it's just irritating that I had to rewrite it. I will probably write up and update the next chapter tomorrow as it is close to midnight here and I'm exhausted.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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