18. Wedding day

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Annabeth's POV

Shallow insufficient surges of air struggled in my lungs. Thoughts were running through my mind and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to escape the walls of this cabin. I ran out into the fresh air.
What if I messed up this or that, or everything I've ever done?
"Piper! Hazel!" I called, laboring for air. They rushed out of the cabin, Aphrodite's, as that was the one that begged me to get ready in it.
"What's wrong?" Hazel asked calmly as she and Piper sat next to me on the steps.
"I'm gonna mess up somehow or we'll break up because of the marriage. For god's sakes we're so young! What was I thinking. This... This was not a part of my plan. Not in the slightest. I had no fucking plans, I didn't even believe I was gonna survive till the end of this summer. Damn... I just-"
My family was a mess so why shouldn't I be. Thalia hasn't come yet and Sally's not come around either. "What if it's not wise for me to get this involved and- you know, I don't want anyone to get hurt."
"You don't want to marry Percy?" Hazel asked, bewildered.
"I do!" I said, set on that one fact.
Piper kneeled in front of me "Annabeth stop, calm down. Everything is alright and I'm sorry for using charmspeak on you but you have to think clearly now."
"THIS-IS-ALRIGHT. You have nothing to worry about if you know in your heart that you want to spend the rest of your life with Percy... It's just the boy you've known for ages and he loves you and you love him back. Think straight. Come on girl." Piper said and Hazel looked at us both.
I let the magic sink in, I wanted it to.
"Are you sure this is a good idea Piper?"
"Hey," I said. "I'm right here." I smiled.
"Thanks McLean. It's alright Hazel, I was hyperventilating. That means that I could have passed out. No thanks. Now let's find Katie and call Thalia." I got up leaving Hazel in shock and Piper grinning like crazy.
"I'm better!" I wished Piper could always talk my panic attacks away. "Now let's get freaking married."
"This power of yours is too dangerous," Hazel laughed and they both followed. I felt like singing when I ran to Demeter's cabin to get Katie.
"Katie, are you coming to dress already?" I asked my fourth bridesmaid. Katie was laying on her bed with her hands on her stomach. I smiled at her.
"Are you feeling good?"
Katie smiled. "Yeah, just help me get ready."
Her belly was already showing. I couldn't believe how much it grew in a few weeks, it was odd.

"Thalia? Where are you? You know that you are my Maid of honor and I kinda need you!" I said to the phone.
"Annie open the door," she laughed and a knock confirmed her presence.
"Thalia!" I jumped from the excitement of seeing her finally and she hugged me.
"Long time no see, I missed you," Thals said, positively grinning.
"You have no idea how I missed you," I said.
I saw Sally in the corner of my eye. She was carrying Victoria who was fast asleep.
"Thalia look." I pointed to Sally and she turned. Hazel and Piper stood behind us and I ran towards Sally.
"Hi," I smiled. "Can I take her for a while?" Sally handed me Victory carefully.
"I'll go check on Percy," she said. So I took Victory into the cabin.
"Whose child is that Annabeth? Percy's mom is pregnant right now, not hers. I haven't seen you in a long time and I know you're marrying already but you're not that fast." Thalia stared at Victory.
"It's Percy's demigod sister." Piper said dreamily as she held Victoria's tiny hand.
"Oh, but where is the mother?" Thalia asked and I felt like being stabbed right to my heart. Hazel picked up Victory and I sighed. "Uhm," I looked at Katie, asking for permission to talk about the matter.
"Go on. I'm already afraid of giving birth anyway."
Thalia stared at Katie's belly and blinked a couple times. Katie laughed a bit.
"I'm about 9 weeks."
"O-kay... Travis, right?" Thalia said in awe. Katie smirked as she nodded.
"None of us could be Huntresses, obviously," I laughed.
"Yeah, well to Vick. The mother died after giving birth to Victoria and Poseidon or Neptune, don't know, brought her to camp Jupiter and sent Hazel and Frank here so that we could take care of her." I shrugged. "She's staying with Sally and Paul for now for the most part but we come around... After the honeymoon, well she's all ours."
"She's really sweet," Thalia said and caressed Victory.
"Hello my little cousin. I hope that you're smarter than your big brother." She said in a baby voice and we all backed away from Thalia as Hazel laid Victory on the bed and put pillows around her so that she couldn't fall down. Thalia sat to her and Katie shot me a 'What's going on?' stare. I shrugged and looked at Piper and Hazel but they both looked as confused as I did.
"Thals? Are you okay?" I finally asked and she kissed Victoria's little head. "Perfectly," she said and stood up.
I didn't believe that word.
"So, where's my dress?" Thalia asked and we went to the closet. Hazel brought Thalia's dress too. I sat on the bed with Victory in my arms and looked at my bridesmaids as they all got their dress on and walked out.

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