"hey" he said

"hey" i replied

"ready to go?" he asked

"ready as ever" i said

we got to star bucks, and he parked the car. and we walked inside. when we opened the door, i heard the fimiliar sound of the bell ringing when someone enters. we went ot the counter and ordered. we walked over to an empty booth and waited for our names to be called

"so, are you new here because i have never seen you around before" he asked

"um no, lived at the orphanage, down town. but got adopted" i said

"oh, so what school are you going to go to?" he asked

"i think i will be going to your high school, idk i think i am but i am starting tomorrow so well see."

"oh, well, whats the name called?"

"umm Ceder high, i think" i said trying to remember what Harry said

"oh! thats my high school..sweet" he said

"yep" and then it grew into awkward silence.

" Carter, and Conner!" we heard our names being called, Conner got up and got our drinks and walked back over to me.

the rest of the time we jusst sat and talked about anything and everything. he is a really nice guy and really funny too.

"oh, its 2:15 i better get going, dad wants me home by 2:30" i told him, i never told him i was adopted by Harry, because i don't know k Harry wants me to tell people yet, so i just sid dad.

"ok, well i will drive you home" he said getting up, we threw out cups away and walked outside and went to his car.

when i got home, i walked in and went straight to the fridge, i did not even notice Harry, the boys, and Simon Cowell, sitting in the kitchen.

"Harryy!!!! i am hungry!!!" i shouted no knowing he was right behind me.

"Damn Crter i am right here no need to yell" he siad.

"well maybe you should get som-, holy shit" i said turning around to see five boys, and one very very, awesome man.

" Carter this is Simon, Simon Cowell" Zayn said obiously mocking what i said earlier. i glared at him and the turned back to Simon.

"Hello" i said in a sing song voice

" hello" he said back

"so, whats up?" i said asking the boys

"Simon just wanted to come over and see who i adopted, and talk to us about some stuff." Harry said.

"ok, well y full name, is Carter Marie Styles, i love football, and food, if you have food bring it to me, i am 15 turning 16 in a few weeks on septmber 13th, just like Niall's and i hate shopping and i want a monkey, we got one but it destroyed the house and me and Lou had to clean it up, my favorite color is green, and i m left handed" i said all at once, i am out of breath.

"ok, well thanks for telling me about you, and did you really gt a monkey, Harry?" he said

"well, i told Louis and Carter that they can not get a monkey, but they did not listen, so when i was gone they went to the zoo ad got a monkey, and when i came home the monkey was destroying the house" he said

"oh, i see" Simon said 

"Niall, go make me a sandwhich" i demanded

"No" he said

"yes, today you are my peseant, peseant. now go" i said

"whatever" he mumbled

"good, ow if you guys need me i will be in the living room, watching the telly" i sadi walking away" but don't need me!" i added calling back to them. Niall came in with my sandwhich a while later, and i hapily took it.

after awhile of watching TV i went up to my room and fell asleep, i have to wake up early to go to school tomorrow. i wonder what it will be like...will people like me?..i guess i will find out tomorrow.

and i fell asleep, yay sleep..haha


hello!! guys

soo... i hope you like that chapter..and yea





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