"So, I hope you don't mind, but Harrison invited one of his friends" Addison brings up, running her hand not on the steering wheel through her hair.

"Who?" I ask.

"I don't know" She shrugs "I've never met him"

"Oh" I nod "Can you at least tell me why we have to pick her up? Or better yet, why Harrison's sister is even going?" I ask with a huff.

"Because Hunter, I want Harrison to think I get along with his sister, even though she's a raging bitch" She smiles sarcastically, and I laugh.

"Fair enough" I shrug "But I'm not giving up the front seat"

"Oh, of course you're not. I wouldn't let that happen" She laughs pulling into Kelly's driveway, hiking her horn. Jelly comes strutting out of the front door, her sparkly pink suitcase shimmering in the sunlight as she shoves it into the trunk. She climbs into the backseat and Addison doesn't even wait until her seatbelt is on before speeding off to Harrison's house.

As we ride, I try to think of who Harrison's friend could be. I haven't known either of them for long, so it could be someone I don't know, but at the same time someone I do know.

"Hey, I'm here" Addison says into her phone and I look out the window surprised that we're already here. I see Harrison walk out of his house and down the driveway, someone following behind him.

There was something familiar about the person, I couldn't see their face but in the way they walked down the driveway, I felt as if I knew them. And once Addison tackled Harrison in a hug, giving me a clear view, my heart dropped to my stomach.

My ex boyfriend, of two years. Which I haven't seen in a year.

My first, and only everything.


"Austin!" Kelly squeals, basically running out of the back seat, to hug him tightly, while I just hide my face behind my hand as nonchalantly as possible.

"Hey" Austin chuckles, and my god, his voice is so deep and wonderful.


"Hunter!" Harrison whines, as he looks at me and I'm thankful Austin and Kelly are too engrossed in conversation to hear him "I wanted the front seat"

"Oops, it's my truck, my front seat" I shrug, and he rolls his eyes.

"Fine, then I'm driving"

"But Babe, don't you want to spend quality time with your sister, in the back seat?" Addison asks, her tone frantic and hopeful.

"Meh, not really" He shrugs and I laugh "But I guess I will"

"Thank god" She mouths to me and I laugh harder. Harrison climbs into the front seat, getting into the seat behind Addison, Kelly getting into the middle, and Austin getting into the seat behind me.

"Kelly, you know Addison and Hunter already. But Austin, that's my girlfriend Addison and her best friend Hunter" Harrison says. Addison giving a friendly wave, while I just nod.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys" He says.

"You too" Addison smiles.

"Same" I mumble quietly. 

"Hunter isn't much of a talker"

"I get it" He nods. Neither Harrison, nor Addison know about Austin and I. Our friendship being fairly new considering Addison and I became roommates at the beginning of this school year but immediately became best friends and her and Harrison hadn't been dating that long.

How We Used To Be /ACM/Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ