october 9th, 2015

Start from the beginning

but i don't want to get out of bed... wait, when did i go to sleep? 3am. smart, jacob. that's why you're tired. searching up conspiracy theories about star trek definitely was a good choice.

jacob sat up and ran his hands through his hair, sighing again. his blue t-shirt hung low on his shoulders. 

if you saw him you would probably notice how big the t-shirt looked on the boy. large-sized shirts, sweaters, flannels and jackets were the only thing jacob ever wore. of course, he also wore black skinny jeans which he had aproximately 10 pairs of. he felt very comfortable in those kind of clothes.

he stood up from his bed and walked out of his room to take a shower. after that, he changed into a sweater and black jeans(a/n: cAN YOU FEEL THAT RESEMBLANCE GUYS) and went to have breakfast with grandpa.

"you're finally up." abe said, sitting in a chair with a newspaper in his hands, his eyes reading it. 

"good morning." jacob said, ignoring grandpa's grumpiness. the boy yawned and moved into the kitchen to make himself some cereal. after, he took the bowl of cereal and a spoon and walked back to the table abe was sitting at. jacob sat across his relative and started eating (a/n: slurping sounds aye !!!ok sorry).

"who is it you're meeting today, tygrysku?" abe asked. here comes 'the talk'. or hopefully not.

"it's, uh, a friend." jacob responded.

"a friend? first time you say that word to me with the meaning you have one." abe chuckled. "is it someone from school?"

"no, it's actually your neighbour."

"mis lily?"

"grandpa, why would i be friends with a cat lady?"

"who knows, my boy." grandpa turned a page over. "so, who is it then?"

"a girl."

"a girl? that's exciting."

"what do you mean?"

"well, you haven't told me you have any friends and the first one you tell me about is a girl."

jacob shrugged his shoulders.

"what are you doing together, then?" abe asked.

"i don't know yet. i met her a few weeks ago on the street and she seemed really interesting to me. so we thought we could know more about each other."

"sounds nice. so just talking, then?"

"yeah, i guess."

"how old is she?"

"uh.... well, i don't know. could be my age?"

"what do you even know about her?" grandpa said with suspicion.

"i know that she's your neighbour, her name is emily, she has blue hair and attends online school."

"emily claire, is it?"


"oh, i know her! yes, from what i've seen she's quite fascinating. even her peculiarity."

"grandpa, she's ordinary and there are no 'peculiarities', alright? i like your stories, but they're made up." jacob sighed. "have you taken your pills today?"

"yes, i have." abe's facial expression changed. "but tell me, tygrysku, have i ever lied to you?"

"i don't think so."

"well, then i'm certainly not lying when i tell you that emily claire is a peculiar child, she has a very strong and rare peculiarity." abe said. jacob sighed again and thought how he could get out of this conversation.

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