Your First "I Love You" {Part 1}

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It was late and everyone is asleep. You and Sam are still a new couple and don't sleep in the same room yet. Sure you live with him and the other Team Free Will members, but it's something you both agreed to wait on. You've had nightmares since you met and started dating Sam. It's always been the same. You on the ceiling of a nursery and you go up in flames. There's always this man there too, his eyes are yellow. It always freaks you out. Usually you catch yourself before you scream when you wake up, but tonight was different. You jump awake with a scream of "Sammy!". Sam, Dean, and Cas all bust into the room. Cas with his blade, Dean with his gun, and Sam with the demon blade. What they see is you. Shaking with tears falling down your cheeks. Dean and Cas leave, knowing Sam is the only one you want right now. He puts his blade on your nightstand and sits on the bed and pulls you close. "Nightmare?" He asks as he rubs your arm lovingly. You just nod and snuggle into him. Before he can ask about it, you tell him. You tell him that it's only happened since you met him. What surprised you the most was when he pulls you into him, he seems scared now as well. "I love you, I'll protect you, (Y/N)." That night was one you will always remember. It was your first "I love you" and the first night sleeping in the same bed with one another. You never had the nightmare again unless Sam wasn't sleeping beside you.

Dean is the classic gentleman to you. Opens car doors for you, pulls the seat out for you at the table, you know. The usual romantic, only seen in movies stuff. It's all about you in the relationship which you don't mind, but you don't like it either. Sure it's nice to know he wants to do this stuff for you, but you want it to be about both of you. Like it should be. It went down like this, it was on a vamp hunt and Dean tried to protect you to best he could. Key word "tried". He was thrown into a wall and knocked out. Sam and Cas were tied up and knocked out cold as well. Leaving you all alone. You were a total bad ass and saved the day! When you untied Sam and Cas, Dean woke up as well. He wouldn't stop apologizing for not being there. You silenced him with a kiss. "Shut up, Dean. Just stop. I love you and this isn't always about me here. This is about you too. I want you to feel as much love as I do. I really do appreciate all you do for me, but this is where I put my foot down. Let me treat you like royalty for once." Dean just smiled, pulled you close and kisses you again. You really did treat him like royalty that night. If you catch my drift ;).

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