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Hey man, how's it going?

Oh, right. Sorry. Allow me to introduce myself. First name's... well, it's kind of embarrassing. Besides, everyone usually addresses me by my last name, "Slinkman". So I guess you can call me that. Anyway, it's nice seeing a new face in Prickly Pines. The summer went by fast, didn't it?

I know it may seem sorta strange or even creepy for me to be talking to a complete stranger like you, but you looked a bit lonesome. I hope you don't mind if I chat will you for a few hours. I don't have many friends around these parts anymore, you see. I suppose there's always my coworkers at camp that I could hang around with... but the friends I used to have in this town I haven't seen for years. Oh well, though... sometimes you gotta leave people behind you, you know? But enough of that. Let's hear what you want to talk about.

Hm? My life? Well, I dunno... that seems a bit personal. Oh, what the heck. I suppose I can spill some beans. Just... don't ask me about my childhood, okay? I'm just going to tell you about my experiences at Camp Kidney.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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