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my fingers graze over the silver lettering on the thick paper, memories instantly playing like a highlight reel in my mind. jeon.

ten years later, and i am staring at the sky in my own small apartment. the sun is setting into hues of bright pink and purple, the same sunset we had looked at together for the first time. the year that i was fifteen, was the year of promises.

"i want my first kiss to be with you. you're my best friend, and, i want to remember you for the rest of my life."


"if we both get rejected by our crushes, we'll take each other to the dance, promise?"


"if we're both single by twenty five, we'll just marry each other, promise?"


jeon enterprises is currently searching for a secretary to assist one of the senior vice presidents and despite absolutely zero experience under this career, i applied anyways.

i didn't want to continue working as a grocer when i had an accounting degree. i sit in the waiting room, the contract printed on expensive, smooth paper shuffling in my hands as my knees shook nervously.

did he still remember me? or think of me as often as i thought about him? where does he work? does he have children? is he healthy? i miss us, and always wonder what we could have been if we hadn't been separated due to college. it's annoying how vivid my teenage years with him still are, despite everything happening around seven years ago, and even more annoying that my mind keeps tracing back to him when i was meant to preparing for this job interview.

i straighten my pale mint coloured lace dress as my name is called by one of the receptionists on the level, just as another one of the pretty blonde girls in the tight black dresses leaves the room.

"good luck." she smiles warmly as she pushes the black door that created an unsettling contrast with the white walls.

the interview room is revealed, and the first thing i notice is how beautiful the sunset is today, the vibrant shades of awakening orange and yellow. the room is rather large for one that only consists of a table around a metre and half long, and a chair on either side.

he lifts his head from his notebook which immediately makes my heart stop. for a spilt second, i don't recognise him and think that he's the most handsome boy i have ever seen, but then it all smashes into cognisance and my mind floods with realisation. my mind goes back to the day i had given him my virginity, promising him that it was something i would never regret—and i never did, because all your firsts would always special and safe if it was with your best friend. i won't ever forget that day, under the sheets in my bed with my head on his chest and hand on his shoulder with his arm around me, cuddling closely as we melt into every curve of each other. everything was skin and cloth, heartbeats and warm, so safe and calm.

"j-jungkook?" i stutter nervously, stepping towards him ever so slowly.

"and you are?"

single by twenty five x jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now