Hinata and the 77th Class.

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Hinata's POV.

I woke up with Izuru and gotten dressed. "I'm so excited!!" I said smiling. "I'm going to be in the same school as you!"

"Whatever, don't be so surprised. You gotten the crazed class." Izuru chuckled as he packed his lunch. "Anyways, it's time to go. Are you picking anyone up on your way to school?" He asked.

"Yes, Nagito Ko-"

"Stop right there. Your picking up the lucky student?" Izuru asked.

"Yeah....so what?" I asked crossing my arms.

He sighed "Okay, he is luck. You are not. If anything you have something he wants. Anyways, let's go." Izuru said grabbing my hand and yanking me out the door.

We walked up the street to the mansion, that I remembered was Komaeda's house. I knocked on the big brown door "Komaeda! We're going to be late!" I called out as the door swung open, revealing a white haired boy.

"Okay, I'm coming." Komaeda said walking out the door closing it behind him.  "Are you excited?" He asked me, Izuru was a few feet ahead of us so he didn't really bud in the conversation much.

"Heck yeah I am!" I cheered almost dropping my bag. "Oh, by the way I forgot to give you my number, you know, just in case you get lonely and need someone to talk to." I said giving him a slip of paper.

"Thanks Hinata-kun!" He said smiling

"Quite your disgusting flirting back there!" Izuru said crossing his arms. I seen even though he goes to Hope's Peak, he refuses to take off his black uniform.

I blushed "Sh-Shut up! We're not flirting jerk!" I said looking down, Komaeda chuckled "I hate having him as a brother...he always assumes stuff.." I told to Komaeda.

"Twin?" He asked, I nodded. "Haha, sucks, but at least you have a sibling, I'm the only child." He mentioned.

After a few minutes of talking, laughing and walking we made it to school. I stood at the entrance and looked up. "So, this is the school..." I said to myself before stepping past the gates and onto my new campus. I looked at my schedule and went to my locker, and guess who's locker was right next to mine?! You know?! It was Komaeda's! Anyways, I put on my indoor shoes and followed Komaeda to the classroom.

"Hey guys." A girl said entering before us. I stood in the very back, and no one noticed me.

"Good morning everyone!!!" Miss. Yukizome said walking to her desk. "Today is a very special day! Today we have a new student!" She said "Everyone, meet Hinata Hajime. Ultimate Friend."

"Hi, I'm Hinata Hajime, p-please to meet you all." I said bowing Infront of the class.

"Please, take a seat... we have a few empty seats." Yukizome said pointing to the back of the room. I sighed and quickly went to a seat near the back next to the window. "I have nothing planned at the moment. So please, either work on your homework, or, talk with your peers." She said before doing some paperwork.

"Hi, I'm Nanime Chaiki, Ultimate Gamer." A girl with a little space invader rocket ship in her hair said. I shook her hand, and introduced myself to everyone. I looked around at the class, they all had smiles on their faces and chatted.

"Psst, over here!" Someone said, it was a girl with blonde hair, she seemed to be a foreigner it was pretty obvious that she was. "I'm Sonia Nevermind, Ultimate Princess. Anyways, I see you came a little later than the rest. Please tell how you entered."

I explained everything and then went back to my seat. When I saw someone looking at the building from a far. It looked like a reserve course student. I stood up and snuck out of class and went to the boy. He looked my age but with a lot of self doubt.

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