The beginning

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The Vampire Family - chapter 1
© 2016 Sara.K
I woke up in the middle of nowhere. My body was screaming of pain and my head ached. I frowned, squinted my eyes to see through the darkness and looked around. There was nothing but trees that the moonlight hardly lightened in my surroundings. The more I looked at the mysterious forest, the more my head spin. The shadows sent a shiver down my spine. 

Struggling to stand up, I tottered and got up on my feet. While looking around to find a way to civilization, I started dusting off my dress and my fingertips touched something wet at my stomach and chest area. I looked down and there was...blood? What has happened during my unconsciousness? Was that even my blood?
I will figure that out later, but right now, a safe place is my first goal. Without my order, my feet started to walk in an unknown direction.

I walked and walked, it felt like hours since I started. My feet were aching and my head was pounding. Finally, I spotted a mansion a few feet in front of me. Light poured out of their windows in the dark.
A smile appeared on my chapped lips and I took a relieved breath. I stood in front of the mansion for a few heartbeats to catch my breath. A breeze started dancing through my long hair; I closed my eyes to appreciate the breeze and the fresh air. I was about to walk and enter the mansion when, out of the darkness and silence, I heard a whoosh. My eyes shot open, my head and body turned 360, blood was pounding in my ears. Nothing. Danger, my body alerted me. There was no time for me to mess around, so I started to carefully go towards the mansion.

When I reached the doorstep, there was a body laying down on the floor with widened eyes, filled with fear...he was drained of blood. Dead and motionless. To even my surprise, I just stared at it like I have seen tons of dead bodies with the same pattern -bite marks, blood on neck and drained - before. I stepped over the body and feeling a little anxious, I pushed the half opened door and stepped inside.

The corridor was dimly lit and I could smell food, perhaps the family inside were eating but I'm not sure they were aware of the dead man outside their door. I walked towards the smell and found a room with a table full of delicious-looking food that made my mouth drool. But no one was there. I walked around the table and took a look, but for some reason I was not hungry. At least not towards all sorts of food set at the long table designed with passion for a great family. Where were they?

I heard a shout from another room down the hall. There were sounds of objects falling off and screams that said things but were not clear to my ear. My first - careless, foolish - sense was to run towards the noises and help whoever was in trouble; so I did.

I reached the room, and found a man with a dagger through his chest. Another death. Another death since I found the mansion, and I blamed myself for that. But you didn't kill them, a voice tried to convince me in my head. I ran towards the man and kneeled before him. He was dead. I couldn't save him. I put my hand on his eyes and closed them. Poor man. Or rather, poor men.
I removed the dagger from his chest.
When the dagger was in my hand, dripping with blood, I felt an urge rushing through my body. My eyes hurt and I couldn't stop staring at the blood on the dagger. The smell was impossible to resist. My mouth dried up. But in a heartbeat, everything came back to normal and I snapped out of that odd dream, shook my head and stood up, leaving the dagger on the floor next to him.

I went to the dining room again and stared at the table. Nothing. No hunger, no thirst, no urge. Why wasn't I hungry after waking up in a forest after God knows how many hours, or even days? Whatever was going on, I couldn't stand it. I needed to eat and then go to a village and find an answer or maybe even a cure for my strange behavior. So, I sat down at the table and started eating from a little piece of bread. As soon as I put it in my mouth I got the feeling of vomiting. I spat the piece of bread out and felt disgusted. Tried my best to eat and get some energy for my rather long journey but since my body is refusing any sort of food, then I should leave the haunted, cursed house.

Facing the door to outside, there was a fear covering my body. I shivered of the thought to go back to the forest. Maybe I should stay, find a map or a compass or something useful like so to help me find my way to where I belonged. Although I'm not really sure where I belong to, but I'll figure something out. I found myself staring at the dead body on the doorstep. Mostly, staring at the half-dried blood on his neck. I snapped out again, blinked several times and shook my head. You know it's right...don't resist it. My mind was playing dirty games on me.
I heard another whoosh. I looked behind me. And yet again, nothing was there. Another mind trick.
While looking into the dark forest, I felt a warm breath on my neck. Fear invaded my body and my heart started bumping faster, my body was not able to move. This was definitely not a mind trick.
"I can hear your heartbeats." Whispered the voice behind me. "I like that pretty neck of yours. Do you want to play a game?" He continued. Crazy thoughts crossed my mind. He started playing with my hair, and moved them to the side, making my neck visible. Then, slowly, he grabbed my arm, and put his other hand between my neck and my shoulder. He moved his head closer and closer to my neck. I had to do something clever and I needed to do it fast.

"Alright, you want to play?" I finally said with a confident voice, lifting my chin up. He lifted his head back to his surprise. It seemed like I knew exactly what I was doing. I am supposed to be scared, panting and struggling in his arms, not accepting his playful suggestion. "Then let's play!" I said. What? Could've sworn I didn't think about saying that. Again, without a desire, I made a move. Somehow, I managed to twist his both arms and threw him down on the forests's cold ground. He grunted and looked up to me, looking puzzled. He got up on his feet very, very fast. I haven't seen such thing before in my life, though, I did not show any emotions in my face. This was a matter of life and death.

Both of us were waiting for the other to make a move, marking every movement, and walking in a circle. A little question game wouldn't hurt. "Who are you?" I asked. "None of your concern." He answered...rudely. "Do you know who I am?" I asked him. It was a rather dumb question but if there was any chance he knew me or even have seen me before, I was willing to take it. "Why would I?" He sneered. "What I do know is that you-" he paused, "- are my dinner."
His face became scary and less human afterwards - the veins beneath his eyes became fairly visible, his upper teeth grew. He widened his arms and got ready to attack.
He was going to make a rather dangerous move. I knew I was not able to beat him at all, but I had to try. He ran towards me very fast - like he did when he got up after I threw him on the ground- but somehow I was quicker than him and I threw him back again. He made another move and aimed for my neck. Again, I managed to deflect his move and throw him so far that he hit the wall at the end of the corridor in the mansion, causing even the huge doors to break right in the middle. I ran to the doorstep so that I could face him. He got up on his feet, tottering a little. Then wiped his mouth and bent his knees in pain. "How the hell are you so strong?" He asked in surprise, his voice a little hoarse. I looked down at my hands. "I-I don't know..." I stuttered a bit. "I it. I don't even think about it."

Suddenly, my head started aching, leading to a loud shout. I put my hands over my head, closed my eyes, screamed and bent my knees. "What is happening?" The man asked me in a panic. "Does it look like I know?" I snapped at him and let another scream escape my lips. My head spin and just as I collapsed, he caught me in his arms and I passed out.


Note that this story is based on The Vampire Diaries but I have mixed it with my own imagination leaving only some of the characters and the story line untouched.

Also, I'd appreciate it if you guys gave my other stories a chance too.
K, cool beans, bye!

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