Chapter 3- Secrets!

Start from the beginning

*After 5 hours*

I was ready. Frankly speaking, I'm in zero mood to go out after whatever happened at afternoon but as I promised Dexter, I had to go to cheer him. This was his final selection match and obviously he was very excited for this.

"Ready darling?", my mum asked.
"Yes mum. But I want to know till when the match will be over?", I asked.
"7:30 dear. Why? Anything happened?", my mum curiously asked.
"Nah mum! Just wanted to know", I said and went to my room and picked up my sling bag which has my essentials and my dairy. I thought to fill up today's entry while seeing match only.
"Let's go. Please God, let his team win the match today", Susan whispered as we sat in our car. Stadium was very far so we atleast need 2 hrs to reach there.
"Yea, whatever", I said giving no interest in that.
I opened my dairy and started writing...

Dear Diana, 15-02-16
I'm so out of mood today :( wanna know why? Cause of Connor. He refused to let me kiss his cheek today. How unfair is this. And I think he doesn't likes me cause there's no other way anyone could love a geeky. I know I promised you to give every detail to what happened in date but as he ruined my mood, I don't like to remember it and anything related to him.Now I'm going to see dexter's match. If he really worked hard then I pray he should be taken in team. And you know what, I'm due 4 assignments. Yes heard right. I was so busy in daydreaming about him that I missed my assignments and now I need them to complete else parents would be called at school and that's last thing I wanna do. So I think I will wake up today at night till I complete it. Speaking of dreams, you know what I saw today in my dream. A very scary guy and he was asking something from me. Yes, and I'm beyond confused that what could be this thing which I have and nobody else have it. His scary voice still lingered in my ears and every time I remember it, I get goosebumps. He was scarier than Annabella.. Not kidding. And I'm afraid that why this kind of thing came. I didn't told this to anyone cause I know no one will take this seriously. If I tell this to mummy and dad, thy will say this is all because of your crime shows you watch on television. And I didn't want the, to get banned in my house, so better be quite. I think we reached the stadium. So talk to you tomorrow about anything new happened in my boring life. Lots of love!!

I closed my dairy and kept it in my bag. Susan was watching me suspiciously.

"What do you want?"

"That dairy. I'm sure it will be full of funny things."

"No! That's none of your business. Keep your mouth shut."

"Why won't you let me see. I promise I will keep your secret a secret."

"I f*cking don't have a secret Susan", I yelled and afterwards realised what I said.

"Princy, I didn't accepted this from you. Chinese cancelled and you won't get to watch television till one week", mum said.

"Wow! Thanks Susan. I'm so glad to have a sister like you", I said through gritted teeth and send her a death glare which I hoped she got it.

"Girls calm down and see we reached", dad said.

"Yes get down and behave both of you", mum lectured.

"Will mum",Susan said making puppy face.

I just ignored and went to sit on our seats. It was near to ground and I saw Dexter coming with his team.
"All the very best Dex! We know you will win", mum shouted. He saw us and smiled. I shooted a thumbs up to him. And there the whistles blow and match started.

After 3 cokes and 5 chips packet, I decided to stop eating. But I was bored beyond limits and due to my cursing earlier today, my phone is taken into custody and will get after 2 days. Strange punishments...

"Mum, I need to pee. Will be back", I shouted to mum on which she nodded her head.
I went out of stands and started walking towards washrooms. I saw there wasn't anyone here and this place looks like I have seen it. Oddly familiar. I did my business and when went to wash my hands, I saw a shadow of a person behind me. "Whooo areee", I fearfully said.

"I said give that thing to me. You didn't remembered me sweetie?" He said this and realisation hit me hard who was he. Before my mind could process what's happening, I saw darkness engulfed me and I fell hard on ground.


Soooo, some spooky things happened. I hope you liked it and guys keep on voting and commenting and please tell me whether you liked it or not. I would like your feedback so that I can improve my work. Dedications for IshitaPhillip08 !!   My twinne 😍
And sorry for this small chapter, I was busy this week with assignments and tests. And a good news, I got highest marks in class and I got my college team jersey with my name and number...Haha!! Not a good news for you I think but you know what we should enjoy even our little things then only we will value the bigger things. So lots of cakes and chocolates for you guys. Each one of you is lovely and beautiful...
Sorry for taking so much of your time but I'm like this only, once started won't stop 😂 okay swear I'm going. Bye and take care all. 💜
Stay happy and rocking

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