chapter 9~

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The wind blew against your windows harshly, causing the window to shake vigorously and you woke up unwillingly, noticing that it was already 7am.

School starts at nine so you had plenty of time to get ready, and Kenma was already downstairs cooking breakfast for the both of you.

You slumped while sitting on your cool and comfortable bed, not wanting to wake up. But the smell of bacon and eggs motivated you to get your lazy ass up for school.

"Kira, please come down," Kenma raised his voice a bit so you could hear him.

"I'm coming!" You replied and got dressed in your wrinkled uniform. You know you were going to get detention for such untidy appearance but you didn't care, you obviously had forgotten about the practice match today.

Heading down to the kitchen, you sat down on the dining table and ate in delight. Kenma's cooking never failed to impress you.

"Alright! Let's go. Kuroo's waiting already," the innocent pudding head mumbled softly and you practically threw the unbreakable utensils and cutleries into the sink and skipped out of the house.


Meanwhile in school, everyone was standing up for attire check. You could hear the teachers pointing out their students' shirts and skirts.

"Kira, what happened to your uniform!?" your teacher fumed while looking at your inhumanly wrinkled attire.

"What?" You snapped. "How dare you yell at me? It's your fault for having such ugly, wrinkled uniform!" Your teacher reprimanded you, earning curious gazes from your classmates and other students.

Kuroo and Kenma stared at you and your teacher, and you rolled your eyes. "Be glad that I still have my uniform, or even being in school," you barked back and you were given a detention slip thrown in your face.

"One hour of detention!"


You were literally groaning in frustration throughout the whole day ever since Kuroo reminded you that you have a practice match against some school called 'Orihata High'.

"Darn that teacher!" You slammed your fist on the table, getting the dean's attention.

"What, Kira, do you want an extra hour of detention!?" He scowled, and you clutched your fists tightly under the table.

You ignored him and stared out of the window, tapping your foot impatiently under the desk.

The game was starting in 20 minutes and you still have another 30 minutes in detention. You put your head on the table and cursed under your breath, earning a mumble from another student.

"What a badass."


You cheered and ran towards the changing room in lightning speed. The game has already started and you couldn't afford to lose, not after such a ugly day.

Tying your dyed pink hair into a ponytail with your baby hair cascading your face, you skipped towards the gym with a excited grin.

Barging into the gym, everyone stared at you with wide eyes and you walked towards the coach and teacher with a sheepish grin.

"Good afternoon~" you bowed slightly and scowls appeared on their faces.

"Don't tell me it was detention again," coach sighed and the teacher frowned.

"Actually, it was," you chuckled nervously and the teacher nearly yelled at you. His face was red from anger and you gulped.

Coughing before mustering a confident voice, you blurted, "I wanna be in the game, now."

Your confidence impressed them and they exchanged glances between each other and nodded.

"If you don't win this you'll stay out for a set," the teacher pressured you.

It's not going to be that hard right..?

Or so you thought.


Being the captain was no easy task, you had to make a confident and stable image to your team mates even when you're close to losing.

The score was 18-24, the opponent leading by far. You tried not to tumble down and continued cheering everyone up, making them build their confidence back.

As the other team's setter did a unexpected dump, no one was ready. The ball dropped and the whistle blew, and the first set belongs to them.

"You're out, Kira," the teacher hissed. "B-but why!?" You protested with tears.

"It's your fault for coming in late, so now you'll sit out," he explained with a casual shrug. It didn't make sense, it didn't.

You stormed out and slammed your fist into the wall, forming bruises on your knuckles. Hissing in pain, you leaned your forehead against the wall and let the tears of frustration finally flow.

The opponents who didn't play mumbled with chuckles, "I didn't know they're so weak, and they call themselves champion? What a joke!"

Growling under you breath, you marched towards them but only to be pulled back by a strong arm.

"Calm down," Kuroo's eyes shone with concern. "You don't understand!" You grunted and swatted his arm away.

"The feeling of not doing your best and getting subbed out, making your team mates disappointed," you closed your eyes and clenched your fist.

"It doesn't matter if you don't win, it's just practice. Practice games don't just let you see your mistakes, but let you learn how to accept failure and loss," he cupped your cheek and stared deeply and intensely into your eyes.

"Since you're sitting for the next set, let's go somewhere that you can calm down," he smiled slightly and took you up to the rooftop.

The breeze was a bit colder than usual and you took a seat at the edge of the building, Kuroo joining you afterwards.

After a long time of comfortable silence, Kuroo decided to speak. "Say, Kira, if I told you I like you, how'd you feel?"

"W-what?" Your face went beet root red and Kuroo shifted closer to you. "I know you heard me, I'm not repeating," his faces inches away from yours.

"I-I guess I'll be surprised?" You answered uncertainly.

"Will we still be friends though?" He asked with a nervous frown. You smiled and nodded, "Of course!"

"Then let me say this. I like you, since we've been friends, which is like more than a decade ago, I still remember I said I'll marry you when we got older, under the tree across the park, remember?" He confessed while looking at the clear blue sky with a smile that melted your heart.

Chuckling, you said, "Yes, of course I do. It was on the 1st of February."

He grinned and wrapped an arm around you, "Would you be my girlfriend?" He asked with a sincere gaze on you.

"I-i don't know, I guess I'll tell you my answer after the Spring Tournaments," you shrugged and expected him to be sad.

However, he nodded understandingly and smiled, "I'll wait. No matter how long, I'll wait."

You smiled and leaned on his shoulder, waiting for the Spring Tournaments to arrive.



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