Powers: Prologue

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As I slowly approached the crater. I heard a slight noise. Barely audible but I understood what it meant. In my terror I forgot my revolver I always kept with me in the cabinet.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash that came from the crater.

My eyes widened as, from the smoke, I could make out a silhouette. Whatever it is, it isn't human. The outline is sharp and pointed near the elbows and on the head. An eerie green light emanates out of small lines along the- Is that metal?

As the figure steps out of the smoke, I can tell that I am going to regret forgetting that revolver. Because the "thing" that just emerged is a robot. Not just any robot, it is humanoid, but has small spaces in the metal it is made of that let out lime green light. On it's head instead of eyes, there is a single stripe of lime green light.

I am too paralyzed to move as it begins to walk towards me. Just ... like a human.

In a human voice, it says to me "Hello Joshua, we have been waiting."

Suddenly, instead of fear, I feel anger. It is like a fire rising inside me moving throughout my veins like magma, pumping through my heart. It is like my heart is a ball of fire. The heat, it moves to my-- hands? I stare as from my palms sprout little match-like flames. As the robot approaches they begin to enlarge and soon, the flames begin to lick up my arms and when they reach my shoulders they stop. As does the robot.

"It seems our calculations were correct," it says.

"Our? There's more of you?" I say.

"Yes and it is our mission to seek out those like you and destroy-- every, last, one of you," it says.

" I have no idea what this is, but I like it," I say.

The robot takes a step towards me but I am over come with a rage I have never experienced before. I hold my ground and it begins to build up inside me. I can feel it pulsing from my heart. My eyes burn fiery gold and I move my arm in front of me so my palm faces the robot. I focus all of my energy into my right palm.

Then I release.

Hours later I awake, my sleeves charred, and bits of metal scattered. Where the robot once stood is another crater. A small crater with fire in the center. I stand up and notice all the scattered fires but I am not burned.

I turn and walk away.


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