Chapter 38

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I tried to sleep during the flight, but I just couldn't seem to nod off. I was too worried. Worried about Rob. I know I'm over-reacting as we don't even know what the problem actually is, but I can't stand it not being able to do anything for him when I see him like this.

Looking around the plane, I see that everyone is asleep; Jay, Rob and Dougie are all knocked out. Wait, where's Mark? I scan the remaining parts of the plane before my blood spikes once more in sheer panic. Just as I'm about to undo my safety belt and see what the story is, I hear the flush of the toilet from the bathroom at the other end of the plane. My heartbeat immediately calms down.

'He's just in the loo. Relax Barlow, relax'

''Hey..'' I hear a soft whisper behind me.

Looking over my shoulder, I see Markie standing there with 2 cups of hot coffee in his hands.

''You look like you could use a cup of coffee, Gaz'' he smiles softly at me and it makes me realize that a coffee wouldn't go astray one bit right now.

Nodding my head slowly, I notice the genuine concern in his voice and also see it in his eyes.

''I guess you're right, mate. Thank you'' I say softly as to not wake a sleeping Rob beside me.

Reaching out my hand to take the mug of coffee, Markie suddenly pulls away slightly, forcing my eyebrows to knit together as I look back up at his face.

''Why don't you come over here and enjoy your coffee for 5 minutes, Gaz'' he suggests.

''But Rob, he might need-''

''He will be fine, Gary. There's not many places up here that he can go. Besides, he's asleep'' he points out to me, giggling quietly.

''Come on, Gaz. Come over here and have a nice cup of coffee and a bickie. Come on'' he ushers me over to the set of two seats that James and Paul usually take up.

The two lads are currently asleep in the king bed at the back of the plane. They had a late night last night and were up very early this morning, we decided that they could take the bed and sleep for the flight up to Denmark. The lads - just like the rest of us over the years - have shared a bed on many occasions, so there's never any awkwardness when any of us have to share a bed with any of the others.

''So, how are you today, mate?'' Mark asks me as we settle down with our coffees and a plate of biscuits.

Exhaling deeply, I pull my coffee mug closer to me and wrap my hands around it, sending warmth and reassurance through my entire frame.

''Well, apart from waking up like a child in a playground ready to fly out to Copenhagen to perform with my brothers, to being told about 2 hours later that one of them is really ill and may threaten the show tonight? Yeah, I guess you could say that I've had better days''

Trying to make some light out of the situation, I chuckle out the last bit even though the sheer though of having to possibly cancel our first ever concert makes my stomach violently do somersaults one after another. Slowly, Marks nods his head as he takes a mouthful of his coffee, which I take as a signal to continue.

''And then, with everything that has happened with the band, with Bob coming back in and all of the history - not just between me and him, but between the 5 of us - I feel that I have to be somewhat responsible for making sure that he feels okay in the band. And I know that that may seem selfish or whatever, but with everything that has gone on between the two of us personally in the past and with everything that has been said, that's just how I feel''

Sometimes, It Takes A While - A Creamcakes FFWhere stories live. Discover now