It took all of the remaining strength I had to fight this immense craving. Once I settled after my victory with biology, I was definitely drained. I was too tired to even put clothes on, so I just went straight to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, my eyes were feeling too heavy to even try to resist it. 


Camila POV

"Mija, time to wake up, you have to get ready for school", my mum said in a whisper, shaking my arm so I'd wake up faster. 

"Mmmm I don't want to", I say with a playful pout and bury my head under my pillow. My mum let out a little chuckle and got up from my bed. 

"Okay mija, five more minutes", she said leaving my room. God I love that woman. She really comes through for me sometimes. I gave her no response but I smiled into my pillow silently thanking her. 

Suddenly, all I thought about was Lauren, then all of my reasons to go to school presented themselves and I shot up out of bed. I quickly got ready being very careful to wear an extra cute outfit for her. Looking at myself in the mirror, my mind began to wonder. 

"Lauren you better your ass to school today or else I would've done all of this...for nothing", I say to my reflection pointing at myself. Quickly snapping out of my conversation with myself, I rush downstairs and ran straight out the door, skipping breakfast. I'm beginning to make a habit out of not spending much time with my family anymore. Mainly because school  is consuming me. 

"Bye guys I'll see you tonight", I yell running through the front door and onto the lawn. I can drive but I prefer to walk to school. It's a good way to clear your head before and after a long day of learning. 

I slow down my pace as I make it to my street. I walked in utter silence admiring the beauty that is mother nature. Letting the chirp of birds consume my mind, all of my issues slowly washed away, only to return when I come back to reality. A low roaring broke me out of my appreciation for earth. 

"Um, hey Camila, you need a ride to school?", I didn't have to look to my left to see who it was. You could pick that voice out anywhere. Well at least I could. The amount of relief that shot through my veins signifying that she was okay and was in fact going to school today, was unimaginable. Even though I saw guilt in her eyes as she looked at me, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of anger towards her for just leaving me yesterday. 

I didn't reply to her, I just turned away from her and kept walking on my way. I quickened my pace as I was on foot and she was in a car. She tried to meet my pace, which took no effort whatsoever, where as I was putting in a lot of energy to get away when all I really want to do is get in her car so she could take me.

"Camila, come on, I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to make you upset", she said stopping the car, barely above a whisper that I still seemed to make out above her roaring engine, with a guilt-wrenched tone. I slowed down slightly but kept walking. I began to feel a twinge of sympathy and slowed my walk down to a stop. When I turned, I saw her manoeuvring to get out of the car. She quickly slammed the car door and rushed out to me.

"I'm really sorry Camila, about yesterday. I really overwhelmed about something and I had to get out of there", she said only looking me in the eyes with utter sorrow. She raised her hand up and caressed my cheek with the pad of her thumb. 

"I hope that you could forgive me?", she said with worry in her eyes and putting her other hand on my waist pulling me closer to her. Before I could get a word out, she quickly pulled me into her for a hug. She squeezed me so tightly I thought I might break. The smell of her hair caused an involuntarily closing of eyes. 

Her hug just made me feel safe.

"So, are you going to answer or are you just going to get in my car with me?", she asked pulling away with a smirk on her face, like she knew either way she was going to get what she wanted. Anything she ever did just made me smile. I grabbed her upper arm and rubbed it.

"Come on, we have school to get to", I said smiling and pulling her to her car. I could've sworn I heard her murmur a 'yes' to herself but I let it slide. When we settled in, she started the car and pulled onto the road. She enveloped her hand in mine, intertwining our fingers and running her thumb along the side of my hand; never taking her eyes off of the road. I couldn't help but smile at what she did. The slightest thing she did made her so cute. 

"You look extra cute today by the way", she said not looking away from the road. I couldn't say anything, I was too nervous. 

Butterflies fluttered their wings in my stomach as she continued her actions. I was a little startled by my reaction to her playing with my hand. I pushed that feeling down and just enjoyed the comfortable silence while it lasted. 

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