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i sat at the dining room table with my legs crossed in a lady like manner, gently swinging my right leg back and forth in anticipation.

i know soraya doesn't want me here, that was evident from the moment i walked in; though she was kind and polite, i could see it in her eyes - she still sees me as a threat.

i sighed as i played with my fingers in my lap, waiting for the doorbell too ring.

in all honesty i'm not sure why justin even invited me too stay for dinner, but by the looks of it perhaps it was just too prove a point too his finacè.

i could hear justin cooing at the babies, which only made my heart yearn more. i want that so bad, i want too share a family with someone i love, i want too have children, but most importantly i want it with him.

i know there's no possible way too get him back, but there are ways too make him notice me more and possibly give me a second chance, at least, thad what i'm betting on for now.

"justin, they'll be here in five minutes can you please dress the munchkins and bring them downstairs so i can set them up for dinner?" soraya asked sweetly, as she poured out the last of the soup.

"sure princess, i'll be down in a second" he called back, making me internally roll my eyes.

'princess', i remember when i was his.

"do you need any help?" i asked, trying too make myself seem at least a little concerned if she was alright.

"no, no. you're a guest, just sit and look pretty - i mean, hopefully that isn't too much of a challenge" she beamed, making the insult almost not even hit home.

"not at all, thankyou" i smiled.

she placed the place mats on the table and adjusted the high chairs, waiting patiently for justin too come down.

"fuck it" i heard her whisper, before running up the stairs too, i'm guessing help.

within a matter of seconds they were both downstairs placing jayda and jayden in the high chairs.

"they grow up so fast!" i mentioned.

(a/n we skipped a few months, kinda. only for the babies age, y'all didn't miss any actual content in the book or anything)

"yeah, soon these little tots will be starting school, it's crazy when you think about it" soraya said.

the door swung wide open, taking me by surprise - but by judging by their reaction, this was a normal thing.

dylan and sabrina ran into the house and embraced both justin and soraya in a tight squeeze before making their way to the kids and placing a kiss on either cheek.

"ray, i haven't seen you in forever god we have so much too talk ab-" sabrina started.

"what's she doing here?" she spat, interrupting her own sentence.

"she's here by invitation, from justin" soraya grumbled.

"well, since i'm here i may as well say it. congratulations!" i said excitedly.

"congrats my ass" sabrina mumbled, making soraya stifle a laugh.


i braced myself, already seeing the arguments and uncomfortable tension begin.

"alright guys, let's take a seat and eat shall we?" i chirped, watching as everyone rolled their eyes.

"show me the ring!" soraya demanded, a bright smile on her face. god she's beautiful.

"it's gorgeous dylan, oh my god. you had an amazing eye" soraya beamed.

"hey, hey now baby girl. so does your man" i winked, kissing her hand.

i watched as selena tensed and repositioned herself in her seat.

"sel, wanna come help me wash up?" i asked, picking up the kids plates as everyone else continued to eat.

she nodded willingly and followed me to the kitchen sink.

"you have a beautiful home" she commented.

"thankyou" i said, whilst searching frantically for the dishwashers capsule.

"need this?" she laughed, holding it up.

"yes, thankyou beau- selena" i stuttered, mentally slapping myself. i'm so stupid, fuck.

she cleared her throat and walked closer too me, a smirk lingering on her lips.

"you look amazing tonight" she whispered seductively, running her index finger down my shirt.

"thankyou babe, i know" soraya smiled, sticking her head out into the kitchen.

"s-sorry i didn't know you were there" selena croaked.

"mm, i'm sure honey. you can leave now, your invitation has been revoked" soraya said, snatching the bowls out of selena's hand and ushering her to the door.

i waited for the door too close before making my way towards soraya.

"not now justin, im not in the mood" she said, walking off without even looking at me.

great. somehow selena managed too fuck things up once again, seems like that's the only talent she possesses nowadays.

a/n; two updates in one day?? hell yeahh
w/c; 810

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