Not sleeping soon~9

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Dicks pov

I was leaning on the headboard of Damian's bed and rubbing small circles on Damian's back "dick" "yes" "why did drake do that to me" "I don't know baby bat I don't know I wish I could tell you" Damian kept crying into my shirt till he fell asleep

'Knock knock' "come in" I heard the door open I look up too find Bruce in the doorway "dick wa need to talk" I nod and slowly unravel Damian from myself and walked out of the room

"What is it that we need to talk about" "langstrom is working on a ray that will turn you back to your normal age" "I sense a but coming" "there is a but the only way I will let you in the child's life is if you persuade Damian to get hit with the ray as well"

I kept opening and closing my mouth the only way I could be in my child's life was to find a way to persuade Damian to get hit by the ray as well "that could hurt the child Bruce l don't want that to happen" "it's not I told him that Damian is pregnant and there should be no effects to the child if there is it will only speed up the pregnancy"

I nod and walk back in to find Damian sitting up "hey your dad has a rule" "which is" "the only way I can be in the child's life is if you age up like me" I only get a nod and watch Damian get off the bed and walk up to me

"Very well" "wait you want to go through with this" "if it mean you being here for us then yes I'm willing to go through with this" I nod and kissed Damian's cheek "ok we don't have a lot of time being teenagers so what do you want to do for the time being"

I got a really weird look from Damian "umm" "every thought about going back to the mountain" I felt myself smirk "now that you say that let's go do that just let me go put on my uniform on" I get a nod and grab Damian's hand and run down to the cave

"Where did I put it at" "its in its case" "ok" I let go of Damian's hand and run to put my uniform on when I was done I walked over to Damian who had his uniform on "I see what your doing here" "you finally figured it out now come on let's go we don't have much time left"

~timeskip to when they sneak their way into the mountain~

"I can't believe that wolf is alive" "wait you named a wolf, wolf" I put my hands up "wasn't me not my wolf" INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT "that's not good"  "what do we do" "you stay behind me" I get a nod and watch kon Bart and a few others run at us then stop

"Robins? I thought there was only one" that "there is. Bart is one from the future" "no one is aged down and congrats" "umm thanks" "what does that mean" "I think it's time to leave now" "oh ya let's go before bats hears about this" "too late reds are here"

I turn around and find rh and rr "we are so dead" "thanks captain obvious" "come on you two langstrom is almost done" "dad has been looking for you idiots" "ok so" "you really are wait where did Damian run off too" I turn in circles looking for Damian

"What are you spinning around for" I stop turning and find Damian on wolf "how are you on wolf like that" "who cares I don't want to die let's go" "fine I'm blaming you if we get yelled at" "you're the one who let me" "ok true so let's go"

I walk up to Damian and wolf and help Damian off wolf "come one love birds" "quite ironic don't you think" "ha ha rr that joked sucked" "that's what he gets for being a nerd" "can we go already" "ya sure bye guys"

I grab Damian's hand and run out of the mountain

~back to the cave~

Me and Damian rushed get changed and putting our uniforms up and running up stairs but get stopped by Bruce holding a ray "where were you two at I have been looking for you and couldn't find you" "dicks idea"

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