Chapter 1

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AS ALWAYS THANKS A MILLION FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!<333333333333333333333



I packed my trunk and brushed my teeth.

I've been home for five days roughly. Draco has been at Malfoy Manor the whole time I've been home, and it was horrible.

I missed him every second of every day.

Harry has been pretending the engagement never happened.

Whenever I mention it he just brushes it off.

But he was going to have to see Draco in a couple hours at our engagment party the Weasley's are hosting.

Everyone was going to be there. Even Lupin and Sirius are going.

I grab my trunk and stomp down stairs.

Everyone is in the kitchen all ready.

"There's our little princess." Mum said setting a plate of eggs and bacon at my place on the table.

"Oh sorry mum, I forgot to tell you I'm on a diet." I said.

She rolled her eyes. "We haven't even looked at wedding dresses yet and your already starving yourself."

"I'm not starving myself." I rebuttle.

She ignores that comment.

She waved her wand at the dishes and they began washing themselves.

"Has Draco chosen a best man yet?" Dad asks.

"No." I say.

"We need to get over there soon, Ginny has to get Emma ready." Mum says.

We all line up infront of our fireplace.

"To the Burrow." I say and then through the Floo powder.

I step into the fire and soon I'm in the Weasleys living room.

I step out of their fire place and onto the living room floor.

Soon my mother arrives.

Then Harry.

Then My father.

"Welcome!" Molly says walking into the living room. "Ginny and Hermione are up in Ginny's room dear." She told me.

I nodded and flew up the stairs to Ginny's door.

I knocked.

She answered and hugged me.

I hugged her back.

She pulled back grinning like an idiot I walked into the room and realized why she was grinning.

She and Hermione had a nice little number laid out for me.

(Pic on side>)

I smiled. "This is killer where did you get it?"

Hermione blushed. "It's mine."

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

She shrugged.

Before they dolled me up they dolled, they dolled themselves up.

Hermione straightened her frizzy hair and slipped into a peach cocktail dress.

Ginny curled her hair and wore a green cocktail dress.

They looked stunning.

Soon they went to work on me. The let my hair fall naturally but put it half back with a bump.

They did my makeup and then made me change into the dress.

I borrowed Ginny silver heals and then took a look in the mirror.

I was smoking! If I do say so myself.

"You look so good Em." Hermione said.

"Tonight all you're going to do is leave Malfoy wanting more-"


"No but's! I want him to be beging for a kiss from you by the end of the night. You've got to let him know you're not always going to follow him around like a puppy." 

"You're right." I said and took a deep breath.

I had thirty minutes before he would be here and I was freaking out.

I just want everything to go according to plan.

Emma Malfoy (Sequel to Emma Potter: Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now