chapter 3

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(A/N: srry i havent posted in a while idk if its good enough, comment please)

*next moring* 

Kaylas Pov

it was early in the moring aorund 7 am, on a Saturday i never wake up this early but who can sleep when there is loud talking downstairs. I got up and made myself presentable and went downstairs, Gab was still sleeping. My dad, Justin, Pattie, Kenny, and Alfredo were in the kitchen talking about Justin's tour that was tomrrow  of days. 

"Hey honey" my dad said 


"honey I need to tell you something about this Justin's tour" he said, i rolled my eyes in answer "You and Gabby have to come with us because there is no one home for you girls and some one needs to watch you"

"But daddddddd" 

"No buts your going and thats final! Do you understand me?"

"Yes" Justin had a HUGE smirk across his face. Wounder what he is thinking.

"We are leaving in tomorrow early so go pack and tell Gab that she and you are coming and help her pack"

"ok" i did what i was told and went to go pack. After i was done with Gabby's bag and mine we went downstairs to eat, everybody was there cause they were all sleeping here so we can leave right away tomorrow. After dinner my dad gave us our rooms, Pattie in the guest, Alfredo and Kenny in the other guest room with TWO beds. "And Kayla your gonna have to sleep on the couch cause Justin needs your room" my dad said. Of course Justin gets the bed. every one went to sleep but i was watching tv when Justin came down.

"you know you dont have to sleep on the couch i will if you want "

"thx but you have to sleep in the bed so you are okay and dont get sore or anything"

"fine than come sleep with me in your room, your gonna have to on tour cause there is only two beds and your sister needs one"

"fine but ONLY sleep,and I dont have to i cane sleep with Gab or you can sleep with her"

"ya ya.......come on lets go"

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