Chapter 1

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Amarantha Dauntragom woke with a start, wondering what could possibly have caused her abrupt consciousness. The she remembered; it was the same dream she'd been having for weeks. It started off all normal, but then she'd see a figure dressed in black jumping at her, taking a deep bite of her flesh.

Only when she remembered this did she realise she was clutching her bedsheets with clammy hands; her bed was drenched in sweat.

'Should I go to Scarlett, the head mistress? I shouldn't be having these only have them unless you're about to die, right? At least, that's what I think Madeon said in Modern Studies.' Ama thought, sitting up and unconsciously walking over to her windowsill. She poured some water from a jug into a crystal clear glass.

As she raised it to her lips, she looked out of her window, sighing. How she wished she was normal. That everything around her was normal. The cool liquid almost burned her throat as she drank with an inhuman thirst. That was the thing about vampires; once they drank something, they couldn't stop. They were as normal as other humans, save for a few things, of course. The digital clock on Ama's desk screamed 03:14AM at her in the ghostly dark. 'Wow. The night's so beautiful. I wish I could go on some sort of..adventure. Like those ones from the books we read in Scarlett's English class..' Ama thought, in a daze. She suddenly realized her glass was empty and sighed again - this time more deeply. 

''I have to go through an entire school day after this, I might as well get to sleep. There's no point in life, but I'll make it through alive..I hope.'' she added in a mumble.

''Everything's such a mess, nothing makes sense. I wish I had a friend.'' Ama murmured to herself as she climbed back under her white covers. Just before she fell asleep, though, she noticed something across her room, in her window.

An upside down figure with a floppy mess of blue hair and white, piercing eyes was staring at her.

A/N. I don't know what I'm doing or where this is going. Yay.

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