Chapter 16 - Drunk

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Just when I think I'm the master of my thoughts, fate takes a new turn. Emotions come, taking me somewhere different to the place I had expected. The destination may be beautiful yet I'm afraid for it's new, my heart beats faster and harder. How is it that I'm completely fine with everything that's happened last night? How is it that I'm fine with Alaric being Lycan?

Shrugging off my thoughts I chose the outfit, placing it on the bed. Every day is the same for me, no excitements, no fun, nothing - only school and homework. After I've taken Hope's advice to go out tonight I simply ignored it, told myself it's nothing interesting but when I realized I'm the only person staying in just to study, I've decided to listen to her and go out.

I tugged on my on my dress, wrapping a coat around my body then examining myself in the mirror. Dark red dress made of soft fabric fell on my body like a second layer of skin. The silky dress slipped on my shoulders, peppering me with soft what felt like kisses. The dress wasn't too tight on me, it was just enough to hug my curves, give me a little bit of cleavage and show off my legs. The heels on my feet were surprisingly comfortable and lightweight, simple black heels paired with a little clutch and silver earrings.

I observed my face in the big mirror in front of me, with my light blue eyes and pale skin I no longer looked like I was dead. As a younger girl I have hardly bothered with makeup, but now some things were different. I never felt naked without makeup, I always had a simple look everyday, just enough to look fresh and awake. I applied a little bit of foundation on my face with a simple blush and red lipstick, and as for eyes a pair of fake eyelashes, they were good enough since I know nothing about eyeshadow and makeup in general. I combed through my hair, giving it a little volume after straightening it.

I walked downstairs ready to meet Hope that was chatting with my parents "Oh, hey! I see you're ready and may I say you look amazing?" she was the one to compliment me when she always looked great, with or without any makeup, dressed fancy or casually. I'll never understand how some girls manage to pull off any look they want, if I try something new and different I end up looking like a clown, so I simply stick to jeans and shirts.

"Thank you and please, you look like a bombshell." I smiled after I complimented her, completely meaning it. After a small pointless chatter we left the house, my parents offering us a ride which we quickly denied.

The night was chilly, I could feel the hairs on my arms raising even after wearing a coat. The breeze was blowing right through my dress as I bowed my head down trying to avoid it blowing in my face. My hair fell loose around my heart shaped face, tousling my previously straightened hair, getting tangled. The moonlight illuminating Hope's sleek black car. My breaths looked like smoke as me and Hope talked, killing the time during our ride to the club, soft music filling the car.

The club came in my vision, Hope pulling up and stepping out of the car with me following her. The inside of the club didn't look any warmer than out. Music fills the air without any effort, the sound rushing in and around us, some were already bobbing their heads up and down even though we were still outside. After a couple of minutes of trying to break through the crowd we got in, there must be at least three hundred people, music pumping throughout the club.

We ordered our drinks and took the first sip, the heat immediately rushing back to my body, the ice falls against the glass, my fingers sliding on the counter and my heading bobbing up and down along with the beat. I drank alcohol only at family gatherings or going out with my friends, I never liked drinking, it was too strong for me. With each gulp the liquor slid down my throat, leaving me with a nasty sting. Drinks like that are made to be sipped from small glasses, but they served it in big glasses, I guess their goal was to get everyone drunk.

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