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"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our own time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had."

With a smile on my face, I slowly nodded when I heard our Professor say that line before leaving  the class. I looked at him and I saw her looking at me too. She picked up her things and then smiled at me..

I took a deep sigh.. A deep, deep sigh..

Now I understand.. Fully understand that we only have limited time living.. And we should live life to the fullest..

I thought life is just about how I should live, how I should mingled with other people, and how I should cherish my family and my friends..

Well, I was wrong.. Because I never thought someone would make my life more meaningful than before.. I never thought knowing someone like him will make me a whole.. I still remember how he looked at me while he's saying this words..

"My life is all about the girl I am facing right now.. Don't doubt it.. My life... Is YOU.."

Thinking about him make a way to form a smile on my lips. I was about to stand and make my way through the door when I felt something or should I say... someone? Touch my hands..

My forehead automatically knotted when I looked around and saw everyone is busy.. Aish.. Why am I feeling this way? I took one step forward and then I stopped..

Without even thinking, I looked up in the sky and closed my eyes.. And there... I heard someone whispered and says..

"I will always here for you.. I love you..."


This is my second story.

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Be Happy! :)


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