*****Riley's POV*****
***1 month later***
I push open the door with a sign stating the person inside was studying and look around in confusion. "MOM! DAD! AUGGIE! COME HERE!" I yell loudly. Feet come running and they soon appear beside me. "Cassiopeia hasn't been at school this month so I came to check up on her." I state. Mom and Dad frown and enter the room quickly. I watch with Auggie as they open things with their frowns growing bigger as they then close things. I step into the room and shiver at the coldness, walking over to the text books piled on her table. I open the small journal on the shelf and open the cover to reveal a large amount blank space. I spot the invisible ink pen standing in the cup of pencils and pens. I lift it up and shine the small light on the page. A few words appear in a slight yellow color and I read them, recognizing it as a checklist.
✅- Read all text books for the year
✅- Pack bags
✅- Give letters to friends
✅- Make the call"Mom! Dad! I found something you might want to see!" I call to them. They quickly walk over and read over my shoulder. "Who are her friends? I've never been introduced to them before." Mom questions. "Myzell, Sarah and Darby. They're the girls she did the communication project with but she didn't have a phone to hand in to Dad." I explain. Dad's face hardens and he looks to Mom. "Why would she take off like this is what I find the most confusing." He says. "Maybe if you weren't always so consumed in Riley's life then you would have noticed she felt invisible to practically everyone." Farkle states, walking into the room. We all turn to look at him with a pointed look. "When we talk sometimes over homework, I once asked her why she wasn't involved with you all that much. She simply told me that she was done trying when she was 5 years old. I'm surprised she only took off now, I would have expected it a few years ago honestly." Farkle continues. "When there was a lightning storm and I was scared she told me a story that made me less scared! Thunder, the Mother Sheep, and her son, Lightning, the Ram. They were banished from the planet because of Lightning destroying things. She helped me not be scared. She said I couldn't sleep over on the Saturday I last saw her and she took me back to my room." Auggie states, getting involved from his spot on the bed.
I watch as Cassiopeia's friends pass Dad three letters and walk away quickly. He walks back over and leads me into his now empty classroom. I watch intently as he opens one of the envelopes and scans over the page. "Farkle was telling the truth about her feeling left out. I'm so stupid. How can I forget someone that's an hour older than you with the same blood in their veins." Dad says, hitting himself in the face.
*****Cassiopeia's POV*****
***Time Skip***
I walk into my old home with Josh after grabbing everyone's presents and locking the car. I move over to the tree and place the presents down. "CASSIE!" I hear Auggie yell. I turn and open my arms to him as he runs over. He wraps his arms around my neck and I lift him up, hugging him tightly. "I missed you. Are you staying with me?" He states. "I missed you too Auggie. But I'm not staying here. I'm only here with Grandma, Grandpa and Josh." I say, putting him down. Arms wrap around me and lift me up. I turn to see Josh smirking at me as he carries me somewhere. I'm set on my feet and I look away from him to see my parents. I shrink back, but Josh automatically stops me. "Cassiopeia Marie Matthews. How dare you run away like that." My Mother scolds. I roll my eyes. "How long did it take?" I ask. They look at me in confusion. "How long did what take?" My Father questions. "How long did it take you to realize that I was gone?" I ask. Their faces drop. "A month." Mother mumbles. "Cool." I sigh. "How's her education, Mom and Dad?" Father asks. "Homeschooling with Feeny. High school level." Grandma states, walking over and pulling me into a hug. I hug back and we move to the window seat.
I sit on the window seat alone reading when someone taps my leg. I sigh in annoyance and look up to see Uncle Shawn standing there with open arms. I smile at him, marking my page as I stand up, and hug him. He quickly hugs back. "Hey Uncle Shawn." I smile up at him. "Hey Cass." He replies, lifting me up while he still hugs me. He walks over to the tray of snacks but Riley and Maya stop him. "Hi, Uncle Shawn." Riley says awkwardly. "Yeah... Hey kids." He states and carries me away. Be pulls a funny face at me and I burst into a fit of giggles. Riley watches us with a frown before turning to Maya and telling her something.
I sit between Uncle Shawn and Uncle Josh with Auggie on my lap as my Mother passes my Father an envelope. "Cory. I want you to read this out for everyone to hear." Mother says. "Dear Cory. I know we have three kids, technically two because one of our kids became invisible to us. But, I'm five months along with twins. One boy and one girl. So we'll have to help you figure out more life lessons. Love your wife, Topanga." Father reads loudly. Everything goes silent and I focus on Auggie. "Congratulations. Hope they don't turn out like your first set of twins." Uncle Josh states, breaking the silence. I look up to see Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Shawn nodding in agreement. Auggie turns to me with a weak smile and I ruffle his hair lightly. "How aren't you happy about this?" Riley asks loudly. Maya quickly covers her mouth and whispers something in her ear. The front door bursts open to reveal Farkle and Lucas standing there with presents. "Hello Matthews family. We bring presents. After emailing Cassiopeia since the start of this month, I found out she would be here on this festive day, so I have brought her a big present." Farkle says loudly. I smile at him and send him a wave. I pass Auggie to Uncle Josh before heading over to Farkle and hugging him after he passes his pile of gifts to Lucas. He holds me close. "Have you enjoyed the Feeny Experience?" He questions, laughing. I pull away from our hug and smirk at him. "It's like I've taken every single class from high school and middle school within three months. He's taken me into schools to sit every test for the things he teaches me and I've passed them all so far with an A+. Which puts me far ahead of you and your Father, Stuart Minkus with over 1500 'As." I state. He face drops to a state of shock and he falls to the ground. I sigh and help him back up. I hold him up by his shoulders and he snaps out of it. He takes his gifts from Lucas and walks over to Riley and Maya, handing them a small present each. They thank him and he walks back to me with the large and small box. "I thought about this for a while. The small one is your birthday present and the big one is your Christmas present." He explains. I nod and sit down, Farkle quickly following my actions. I pull the wrapping paper away from the small present to reveal a cellphone box and I look to him in shock. "I asked if you had a phone when we were emailing. You said no so I decided I would get you one. Now open your Christmas present." Farkle explains. I nod and pull the wrapping paper away from the large present. I turn to Farkle with a glare and he raises his hands in surrender. "So that you can do your home schooling work on your own computer, or in this case laptop." He states. I nod slowly and place the present down. "I need to talk to you. Let's go into the hallway." I state.
I stand in front of Farkle in the hallway, a few feet away from the apartment door. "Thank you for the gifts today. It really meant a lot to me," I say, "I also have a gift for you. It's not as good as yours but, close your eyes." Farkle nods and closes his eyes. I step forward and place my lips on his. He freezes for a moment before wrapping his arms around me and kissing back. I move my arms around his neck. After a few minutes, I pull away from the kiss. His eyes open and he states at me in shock. "Suprise." I laugh lightly, blushing. He falls to the ground and states up at the ceiling. I sigh and drag him back into the apartment by his feet. Everyone looks at me in confusion as I pull Farkle inside and properly his head up on one of the couch pillows. "He's completely out of it. Lucas, you might want to take him home soon." I state. Uncle Josh quickly sits the now sleeping Auggie into my Mother's lap and walks over to me. "We better get an early start on some traffic. Mom, Dad. Let's go." He states. My grandparents nod and quickly stand up. I lift up my gifts from Farkle, Auggie and my Grandparents, joining them at the door. "Lucas? Tell Farkle I said goodnight and I'll email him my number if he doesn't already have it." I call the the Texas boy. He nods quickly and pulls Farkle up. "I better take him back home. My Mama is waiting outside for us." He states. I nod and we all walk out.

Riley Matthews' Invisible Sister
FanfictionFrom the day she was born, 1 hour before Riley, Cassiopeia "Cassie" Marie Matthews has been in the shadows of her younger sister. Farkle and Auggie are the only ones who has noticed her, Auggie since he was a toddler and for that she is thankful for...