Chapter 3

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It's been about a month or so since Max arrived and when I woke up I was freezing cold... probably because I left my window open... whatever. I threw on a hoodie... which oddly went past my shorts. I looked down at it, it was the hoodie I stole from Max like two weeks ago. I smiled.

He was going to be so pissed.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth then ate a granola bar for breakfast. Then hurried off to work... yeah. I didn't change. That fine! I got to work and saw Max leaning back in his chair staring at the ceiling in his office. His glasses, laying on his desk, I quickly snuck in and grabbed his glasses then ran. He didn't even know I was there. I put on his glasses and everything was suddenly blurry. "WHA!?" I heard Max yell. He stormed out of his office. "Where are my glasses!?"

"Gah!" I quickly ran in a different direction.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled, running after me. "Wait is that my hoodie!?" He yelled. I ran faster and dived behind the orange couch.

"Hey (Y/N)!" I screamed and fell over as I stared at Ross.

"ROSS WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed. He laughed.

"MAX I FOUND HER!!!" He yelled. I jumped to my feet, but tried to run, but Ross caught my arm.

"NUUUUUU!!!! ADAM, BERNY HALP!!!!" I yelled. "JAKE! COREY! EM! ANYONE!!!" Em walked into the room holding a bunch of papers.

"Die," she waved then walked out of the room. I watched as she walked out of the room. Ross also watched. I took this as my moment and may have hurt Ross in the "sun don't shine" area. I ran away laughing, but kinda ran straight into Max and fell on the floor.

"Uh, would you believe me if I told you that I got glasses last night and they happened to look exactly like yours?" I smiled.

"No. And why do you have my hoodie? I've been missing that for a while."

"Uh, well let me explain," I said getting up and brushing myself off. "SEE YA!!!" I yelled the turned around and ran towards the door.

"Hey!!!" I heard Max yell. I passed Adam who was vlogging again.

"And here you can see... what am I seeing? OMG MEH SHIP!!!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes and ran outside, then hid behind a car.

I looked over the hood of the car and saw Max run outside. He looked around frantically, but went back inside. I smiled and noticed I was hiding behind Mac's car. I grinned and pulled the dry erase marker I kept in the hoodie out. I wrote on all the windows 'Mad Max', 'Elsa is my main', and Max N' Cheese'.

I laughed maniacally and ran back inside. As soon as I was inside I was tackled and shoved against the ground. "Found ya."

"Max get off me!!!" I whined. He pulled his glasses off my face and put them back on.

"Thank you. And why do you have my hoodie again?"

"Because I stole it back in Louisiana." I replied cheekily.

"Nice. I'm gonna want it back."

"Nope. It's mine." I shoved him off me and stood up. "Well I gotta go see my schedule. Bye!" I yelled before running off to my station.

I had; Never Have I Ever with Adam, Ross, Tim and Jess, Dropper with Red, and I also had a voice recording for MyStreet, Minecraft Diaries and The Crafting Dead.

This is going to be an entertaining day.

~Time Skip to Lunch Break~

"Hey (Y/N) wanna get lunch with us?" Adam asked as he stood in my doorway. I spun around in my chair.

"Are you paying this time?"

"I give you your paycheck." He glared.

"...Fair enough let's go!" I yelled.

When we walked outside I saw Max pacing back and forth in front of his car. I gulped and tried to sneak around home, but he saw me. "(Y/N) ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" He yelled. He started to run after me, but I ran towards Jake's truck (just pretend) and quickly scrambled up it so I was sitting on the very top. "How'd you get up there so fast!?" He hissed angrily.

"I'm fit unlike all you fatties!!!" I laughed. Adam looked down at his moobs and I started laughing so hard I almost fell off. I also watched Max try to climb on top of the truck too, but the klutz fell. "KLUTZ!!!" I yelled and slid down the front somewhat gracefully.

He grabbed my ankle and pulled me off my feet. "Ow!" I yelled. He laughed.

"And you call me a klutz?" He laughed more. I kicked him in the shoulder.

"That doesn't count since you pulled me down with you. I would have been all graceful, but no... you just had to make me trip!"

"Hey, it's not my fault you fell..." he grinned. I stood up, brushing myself off.

"I SHIP IT!" Adam yelled. I just rolled my eyes and walked over to Max's car and sat in the passengers seat.

~Time Skip to Going Home~

I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket and headed for my car. I saw Max leaving too and I walked over to him. "Hey maybe wanna come over to my place and watch a movie?" I asked.

"Yeah, sounds good." He smiled.

When we got to my house we picked out a romantic comedy, because they're Max's favorite... and to be honest they're not too bad.

About half way through the movie I felt him wrap his arm around my waist. The. He pulled me closer.

These actions of his confused me, but I didn't reject them or anything. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I can give you your hoodie back tomorrow."

"It's okay. You can keep it. It looks better on you than it does on me." I felt blush spread across my cheeks.

"Th-Thanks." I smiled.

Then he kissed my forehead.

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