Chapter 1- My Home

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All rights reserved. If anything shows similarities with other stories on wattpad it is merely coincidence.

I want to appologize to my very few fans and readers for not uploading for a couple of weeks. Please if you think my story is good spread the word and recomended it to your own readers. I'm new to this whole writing thing so I'm still trying to find different ways to get more readers and fans. I want to give a special thanks to studies_of_me for helping me edit this chapter and giving me feedback. :D


Chapter 1- My Home

    I smelled the moist, starchy scent of the dirt on the ground, the fresh pine needles on the trees.....I breathed in the forest...My forest, my escape, my home.

    The pine needles scraped against my black cloak as I walked through the forest, making my way to where my pack with all my necessities lay. The forest was quiet despite the light sounds of my footsteps and the chatter of the little creature's conversations. It was nearly noon with the luminous sun, almost at its highest peak in the light blue sky was draped with dark clouds signaling a storm brewing for the nights awaiting entrance.

    I need to find a safe shelter for tonight and perhaps some food to hold me in till the storm stops, I thought to myself while picking up my sack and bow and arrows from a hidden hole in a hollow tree. I threw my two - and only - belongings across my shoulders to allow breathing room for my arms, just in case some bigger creatures should make their presence known to me.

    My sack wasn't at all heavy with just a canteen of water, an extra pair of men's clothes, some thick blankets, a minuscule dagger, and a very short supply of meats and berries that I would soon have to refill. The very bow and arrows that I hold dearly to me was made by me for me with my own sweat and hands. My greatest weapon holds so many boxes of memories of a previous life that I refuse to open, but I'm well aware that they will soon force their entry to the forefront of my mind.

    I bit my bottom lip, subconsciously moving through an almost non-existing path I made years ago leading to a tree that provides great shelter and cover from the heaviest of rain drops and the most of powerful winds.

    I knew this land like the back of my hand. Being a huntress has allowed me to notice and memorize the tiniest details of my home. To navigate to shelter took only one-fourth of my concentration enabling my mind to wonder and day dream to less worrisome thoughts.


    My sensitive ears suddenly caught sounds of struggle from the west side of the forest. Curious, I started to follow the noises going deeper into the thick trees. With each step I took, the pleas for help became louder and louder. Suddenly my instincts kicked in causing my need to help the innocent to come out to make an appearance. I started to sprint swiftly through the pine trees searching for the source of the sounds of struggle.


   My heart lurched hearing the urgent cry of help more clearly. I suddenly stopped, knowing that the noise I heard was from a large clearing up ahead. Deciding that to barge into this situation - whatever it might be - would be reckless and stupid, I turned to the nearest tree swiftly climbing midway giving me a clear view of the clearing in front of me.

    I saw one huge figure of feather and pure muscle flocking over a much smaller form on the ground.

    "HELP PLEASE!!!"

    A male, I thought as I heard his deep husky voice once again crying for help. Suddenly seeing the sun reflect off of metal I saw he had a sword in his hand trying miserably to fend off the large creature in front of him. My eyes wandered to the creature flocking in front of him. Noticing gray feathers, yellow talons, a dark brown horse-like torso, and eagle-like head my eyes widened in recognition.

    "A hippogriff," I murmured in surprise seeing as hippogriffs were normally peaceful creatures unless seeing a threat or being disrespected.

    What kind of an idiot would wield a sword so close to such a creature? I thought as I drew my cross bow over my shoulder preparing my cherry wood arrows with red and grey feathers in place. Hating the idea of shooting such an innocent creature caused me to hesitate slightly, even though I knew I would only aim to nick its feathers enough to get him distracted and hopefully loose interest in the idiot who provoked him.

I took aim at the very tip of his right grey feathered wing. Knowing that I would hit successfully I released my bow string causing the arrow to fly directly towards the target I aimed for. I watched impatiently as the large animal didn't even notice the feel of my arrow touching its wing.

I released the branch that was holding me steady on the large tree causing me to drop quietly to the ground. Finally realizing that a physical approach would be much more effective I stepped into the large clearing unnoticed by the pair fighting in front of me. I picked up a large stick from the ground and snapped in two with my bare hands. Knowing what was going to happen I confidently reached to my cloaks hood letting it fall to my shoulders exposing my face to the sunlight pouring through the dark clouds.

The creature in front of me suddenly faced my direction noticing my presence his beady golden yellow eyes pierced through mine. Seeing me as a threat he twisted his whole torso towards me getting ready to attack. Knowing what to do I bowed down to him, my dark, almost golden eyes still in contact with him showing my respect. Startled by my submission he paused before bowing back to me showing his OK for me to move towards him. Still keeping eye contact I closed the distance between us moving as quietly as I could till I was only three feet away from its gray, eagle like face. Reaching my pale hand out towards him slowly caused him to narrow his eyes at me and to size me up to see whether or not I was a danger towards him. Satisfied, he took a step forward cautiously until his head was touching my hand. I petted his head softly smirking as I heard a quite purr come from the back of his throat.

    I reluctantly removed my hand from his head taking four large steps backwards. Feeling the absences of my hand on his face caused his eyes to shoot open with a questioning look.

    He's wondering why I stopped, I thought in amusement as I waved my hand toward the sky, gesturing to the storm brewing above. Getting my silent dismissal the beautiful creature stretched out his long wings ready to take flight. After giving me one last longing look he flapped his wings getting higher with each flap I watched as he flew away.


    I turned my head to the left, startled to realized my interaction was being watched by a young male, maybe my age with a muscular build, dirty blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

    Knowing that he was in shock I made my ways toward the back of him. His wide eyes watched my every move until I hit him in the back of the head with my bow rendering him to unconsciousness.

    "Sweet dreams," I whispered as his eyes slowly drifted shut.


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