Chapter 10 | Harry

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I was in front of Niall's apartment, ready to knock and ask him why he wasn't in school yesterday and today, but the voices interrupted me.

"I can't do that, Louis!"

"Why, Ni?"

"It's like- I don't know!"

The first voice was obviously Niall's, and the second one Louis'. What's Louis doing in Niall's apartment?

Shaking my head, I pulled my hand up to knock on the door, but before I could, the door opened and it revealed furious Louis. 

"Hi?" I tried to smile, but he only looked me up and down and pushed past me, making me stumble a little backwards.

I came in through the already opened door and quickly closed it. On the couch was Niall, with his head in his hands. 

"Um... Did I came in a wrong time?" I asked, suddenly feeling like a bother.

Niall looked up from his hands and greeted me. "Hi, Harry."

"What happened?" I asked and Niall just sighed. "You weren't in school for 2 days now. It's a little bit weird, because you only miss school when you aren't feeling well. Are you sick?"

Niall shook his head and took a deep breath. "No. It's just- Louis."

I raised my eyebrow. "Are you two guys, like, together?" I asked, suddenly biting my lower lip harshly. Why am I nervous?

He turned towards me and I sat down beside him. "No, we're not. I mean, he doesn't like me, and I don't like him either."

I raised my eyebrows again. "But-?" I cut myself before I could tell him what Louis told me at the coffee 2 days ago.

"Harry, look, I'm not gay, ya know." He starts and I nod. "And... Louis asked me for a favor."

"What kind of favor?" I asked quickly.

He sighed. "I don't know. I guess he met someone and he wanted me to help him make him jealous." 

I widened my eyes. "But why would he-? Do you know who the guy Louis like is?"

"I think his name is Luke. Or whatever." Niall responded.

I raised my eyebrows. But why would Louis tell me he likes Niall if he doesn't? And why Louis didn't told me about that Luke guy? There's too many questions on which I don't have an answer.

"But you didn't accepted?" I asked suddenly.

He sat straight up and sighed again. "I didn't." He answers.

"But why? Is that a big deal for you?" I ask.

"Harry, you don't understand." He turns towards me and I swallow hard. "I mean, yeah, I don't have nothing towards the people who is gay, or bisexual, or whatever, but..." He trails off.

"But you don't want to be seen with them?" I finish for him and he widens his eyes.

"No, no, Harry! If I don't want to be seen with people who is gay or bisexual, why do you think I'm still friends with you?" He pinched my arm and my eyes widened.

"You- You know? How did...?" I stuttered nervously, waiting for Niall's respond.

"Liam told me." He grins. "But, actually, when I think about it now, it wasn't too hard for me to notice. Ya know, you're acting like you're a girl, not a boy." He laughed.

"Hey!" I pouted. "I'm not a girl, don't call me that!" 

He laughed louder. "Oh of course you're not, I'm sorry, Sophie." He smirked.

I widened my eyes. "Niall, you bastard! Don't call me that!" I screamed, but after that I started laughing too.

Niall licked his lips and stopped laughing. My eyes were on his lips, and oh boy. They are so kissable, plump and pink, and it's like they're calling me to kiss them. 

"Harry?" Niall snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at him in the eyes.

"You okay?" He asks me once he sees me looking at him.

"Ya know," I cross my legs. "I need to ask you that. Why you weren't in school for 2 days?" 

Niall laughed. "School is starting every fucking day in 7 AM. And what, you don't think I'd use that as excuse not to come in school?"

I huffed. "But! That's not fair! You could call me and I would stay with you here. I wouldn't be in school and listen to the boring teachers! And also, I was alone in the cafeteria. You wanna know why?" He laughs and opens his mouth to reply, but I cut him off. "Because Liam and Louis were somewhere, Zayn didn't have any classeswith me today, and others in school didn't even talk to me! They just asked me about you and do I know where are you. When I told them that I don't know, they only nodded and walked away!" I huff again.

Niall laughs. "Aww, Harry! I will make sure to tell you where I am everyday." He stops for a second. "Even when I'm in the toilet." He grinned like he just won something.

"Fuck you." I mumble.

"Oh, you wish." He smirked. "But I don't bottom." He winked.

My eyes widened and a blush covered my cheeks. I coughed awkwardly and Niall laughed, slightly shaking his head.

God, this boy will be the death of me.


Sorry if this chapter is shorter than previous, but I had to read something for school and ugh. -.-

What do you guys think of Louis' favor? I told you Nouis will be only temporary. ^^

And why do you guys think Louis told Harry he likes Niall if he doesn't?

What are your thoughts on Harry's "shy" acting? (;

Comment, vote, add this story to your library and follow me! Xx

Looove you all,
- Jo.🌛

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