Chapter #2

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*****Cassiopeia's POV*****

I smile as Myzell sits two seats away and wave at her. She quickly waves back and we focus on the teacher. "Sir, if I may take a different position?" Lucas asks, raising his hand. "Yeah, save me, Mr Friar. Do I go too far?" My Father says. "Always, Sir. I understand your point, but I use my phone to video chat my old friends and to find what's going on in Texas." Lucas explains. "Yeah. How else can he keep tabs on all the hoedowns and cattle pageants?" Maya scoffs. "Maya!" Riley scolds. I sigh and open my history book to the page I left off.

I walk into the library with Sarah, Myzell and Darby and we quickly set to work on finding the right books to research from. "I still find it sad how your parents don't even bother to give you any recognition with all the achievements you've made and only bother to focus on Riley and August." Sarah says as I pull out a couple of books. "Agreed!" Myzell and Darby call from down the shelf. "It's their loss really. By the time they try to fix things I'll probably in the middle of my career and or moving far from our apartment." I state. The girls nod and we continue searching the shelves. "I hear more voices enter the public library and I look to the girls to share an annoyed look. We all turn to the group of four and glare at them as they look around in wonder. "Do you think they've ever been to a library? I thought Farkle would have been at least a million times by now." Darby asks our group. I shrug and lead the way to the table in the corner.

I lead the way out of the library at 8pm with a few pages filled with information in my neat writing. I farewell the girls as I run to the fire escape to get to my bedroom window without running into parents. I climb the window of my room to see Auggie laying on my bed, cuddling my plush turtle that Sarah gave me for my birthday last year. "Auggie? What are you doing in here?" I ask as he sits up. He looks to me and pats the bed beside him for me to sit down. "I drawed a picture of everyone with out Riley on the wall and another one one the fridge of our New Jersey holiday. I don't Mom and Dad are very happy with me." Auggie explains. I sigh and ruffle his hair. "I'll get changed so we can have a sleep over. Wait here." I state and head into my bathroom.

I walk into school with Sarah and Myzell to see Missy Bradford talking to Lucas while Riley watches with envy. I smirk to the girls beside me and go in their direction. "Hey Missy. Loving the pink today," I call. She looks up in confusion and smiles at me. I smile back and head over to my desk. "Thanks Cass! Loving the jacket," Missy calls back. I look toward the front of the class as I sit only to see Maya and Riley glaring at me. I shrug at them and open my history book.

I sit with my friends group and smile at them. "I've talked to both sets of my Grandparents and they're willing to pick me up on Sunday when my 'family' is out grocery shopping for the upcoming week. I'll be interchanging between the two Grandparents every week so it should be easy. I'll be giving you a letter on Friday at lunch to give Matthews when he walks into on day of History and realizes I'm gone. They won't officially say where I've gone but it should send him into a panic like state for a while." I explain quietly after checking there was no sign of my Father or Sister around us. The girls nod in approval and we did into our lunch.

I sit in my room packing my bags as neatly as possible when someone knocks on my door. I stand up quickly and walk to the door, opening it to reveal Auggie in his Pajamas. I sigh and lift him up. "I can't have a sleep over tonight Auggie. Let's get you to your room and tuck you in." I state. He nods and cuddles into me. I quickly head to his room down the hallway and open the door. I carry him through the room and place him on the bed, letting him get under the covers. I quickly tuck him and kiss his forehead before rushing back to my room to finish packing.

I sit in the main room with my bags after making my bed to the condition of neatness and putting a 'Studying. Don't Disturb' sign on my door, when the buzzer goes off. "Cassie? We're here!" Grandpa Alan calls. I quickly grab my bags and head out the door grabbing my coat from the hanger. I rush to the elevator and quickly climb in. As I'm taken down I sigh in relief of being with someone who actually cares. I step out and head straight to my Grandpa and hug in as I let go of my bags. "Hey Cass." Josh greets, grabbing my suitcases. I wave to him as I pull out of my hug session. Grandpa leads me out to the car and we all climb in.

I walk into the Matthews Philadelphia house to see Grandma Amy waiting by the staircase. "Grandma!" I cheer and run into her now open arms. She holds me close and strokes my hair. "Look at you! You've gotten taller and more beautiful since we last saw you. Come on, I'll get you something to eat." She says. I smile and follow her into the kitchen. Josh lets out a laugh and feet follow after us. Josh and I sit at the dining table and begin to catch each other up on things that happened since Christmas last year.

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