Hes not there and the other boys get protective of you

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Credit: 1directionscenarios

Liam: "I'll be right back babe," Liam kisses his cheek and nods towards the bathroom, leaving you behind with the other four boys. "So, how's it like being Daddy Directioner's lady?" Louis asks, nudging your arm and waggling his eyebrows. "Oh it's fabulous," you reply, sticking out your tongue. The set of the photo shoot is buzzing, people carrying props and equipment and food and you make your way over to the snack table and look for a bit to eat. "The peanut butter cookies are good," a boy about your age holding a camera walks over to you and grabs a cookie from the table. "Yeah? I should try one," you say, smiling. He breaks off a piece of his cookie and hands it to you and suddenly you hear Harry, Louis, Niall and Zayn talking loudly and heading your way. "Oh HELLO, LIAM'S GIRLFRIEND! HEY!" Harry says loudly on purpose, glaring at the camera boy. "Oh! Funny seeing you here!" Niall says with fake shock. The camera boy's eyes widen and he lowers the piece of cookie. "Oh, you don't want THAT. The brownies are much better," Zayn adds, placing his arm towards you and glaring at the camera boy. "Guys, he was just giving me a piece of cookie..." you look at them with confusion and the camera boy mumbles a good-bye and scampers away. "Oh, that was not just a piece of cookie," Louis whispers. "He's Fred." Harry leans in and whispers. "Other wise known as 'Get in my Bed' Fred." Zayn nods. "He's a man whore. Don't want him messing with our Liam's girl," Niall adds. Liam walks out of the bathroom and over to the five of you with a raised eyebrow. "Fred," Louis says by means of explanation. Liam sighs and nods. "Aha. Thank you boys," he says, placing his arm around you. Although you still are confused, you like the fact that the other four boys stepped in. Like four protective older brothers. It was...nice. 
Zayn: "Ah, so, while Zaynie is off getting his hair touched up," the interviewer leans towards you and the other four boys and holds out her microphone. "What's he like between the sheets, (Y/N)?" She raises her eyebrows and grins cheekily. "Um. Uh," your cheeks grow hot and you shift uncomfortably in your seat. The other boys take note. "That's not really appropriate to be asking a lady," Liam adds in, placing a hand on your shoulder protectively. "Certainly not appropriate," Niall adds. "If you're looking for details of between the sheets, I can give you a play by play of the nap I had earlier," Harry jokes, his eyes sparkling. The interviewer raises her eyebrows but goes along with it until Zayn returns. Louis whispers an explanation in Zayn's ear and you watch Zayn's face go from shock to concern to a smile. "Thanks," he tells the boys, placing his arm around your shoulders. "And this is why I don't like doing interviews," you tell him, once it's ended. "But I'm glad the boys have got my back." 
Niall: "One picture! Please!" a paparazzi trails behind you and the other four boys, all of you trying to get back to Niall. Niall had been home sick and you'd all gone out to get him some food and medicine, hoping to cheer him up. "No, I'm really not...We have to get back," you explain, clutching the supermarket bag filled with cough syrup and snacks. The paparazzi grabs the hem of your coat and pulls you back. "Hey!" Zayn shouts, turning around angrily. Liam puts his arm around you protectively and his normally sweet face turns angry. "Leave us alone. Leave her alone," Harry adds in. The paparazzi keeps snapping photos, enjoying the protective four of their mate's girlfriend. "Stop snapping photos or I'll shove that camera up your ass SO far you'll be vomiting film strips," Louis snaps. The five of you walk away from a slightly horrified photographer and make it back to Niall's flat. They retell the story and Niall looks angry, then happy his friends have defended you, he also finds Louis' camera-ass-shoving joke highly amusing. 
Louis: "Three large pizzas, one with pepproni," you tell the boy at the counter, the other four boys close behind and Louis in the corner grabbing napkins and straws. "Ooh, look, Liam! They have garlic knots!" Niall looks at the menu excitedly and Liam laughs and shakes his head at Niall. Harry and Zayn are mumbling something about one of the girls behind the counter's ass and you roll your eyes. "My, my, that's a pretty bracelet," the boy at the counter looks at the bracelet on your wrist with admiration. He meets your gaze and winks. "It matches your pretty eyes," he adds. "Uh, yeah. Thanks. The bracelet. It's from my BOYFRI-" you begin. But Zayn quickly shoots the guy a glare and Liam nods. "It is a nice bracelet, isn't?" he adds. The boy nods, slightly afraid of the four. "She's got nice eyes, doesn't she?" Harry adds. The boy nods slowly and you roll your eyes, slightly embarrassed at the protectiveness of the four, but secretly relishing it. "But you know what's even nicer? Her BOYFRIEND," Niall adds, pointing towards Louis who's returning with a stack of napkins and handful of straws. Louis looks over, slightly confused, then he shakes his head with a smile. Once you've got the pizzas you all sit at pushed-together tables and devour the cheesey goodness. "I love how you lads treat her so well and look out for her," Louis says, taking a sip of his soda. "Well, yeah," Harry pats your shoulder and smiles. "She's like a sister. Wouldn't want anyone treating her bad, she means a lot to you." Liam nods. "And a lot to us." 
Harry: "Shots! Shots! Shots!" you cheer, you and Niall downing another. You and the boys had gone out partying and Harry had gone to the DJ to request a song. "I think you've had too much to drink," Liam laughs and steadies you as you nearly stumble. "Hey sexy baby," a tanned guy dances his way over towards you and you laugh. Too much to drink, yes. The guy starts grinding against you and Zayn pushes him off. "Ay, she's got a boyfriend, man," Louis says, only slightly buzzed. Liam's eyebrows furrow and he places his arm around you gently. "C'mon, let's find Harry and get you home," he says. Niall glares at the guy who'd been grinding on you and gives him the middle finger. "What's going on?" Harry returns with a half-full drink in hand and looks at you with concern. "That ass hole over there was grinding on her," Louis spits, glaring at the guy who'd moved on to another hopelessly drunk girl. "But we showed HIM," Niall slurs proudly. Harry's jaw tenses as he looks over at the guy, but he smiles at the four and wraps his arm around you. "Thanks boys, but I think I've got this," he hands Zayn his drink, then steadies you. "Let's get you home, Kitten."

One Direction Preferences- Book Two(:Where stories live. Discover now