A sudden jerk woke you up, the engine stops and Kenma shrugged you awake. "We're here, at Karasuno High," Kuroo grinned and got off the bus.
"Ladies first," Yamamoto smiled like an idiot. "Thanks dork," you chuckled and alighted, leaving him astonished at the cute nickname you gave him.
"Yamamoto, if you don't get off the driver will drive you away to somewhere else," Yaku barked and Yamamoto immediately snapped back to reality, getting off the bus.
"This is Karasuno huh..." you trailed off. "It's kinda huge though," you jumped around and explored a part of the school. "Please don't run off like that, Kira," sensei let out a helpless sigh.
"Okay~ where are we going now?" You asked with excitement. The Nekoma team soon followed you and sensei eyed you before answering, "The gym, where else?"
"Where's the gym?" Kuroo asked, looking around the now empty school. The rest of the team shrugged and waited for sensei to guide us. "Continue walking and turn left," sensei spoke and everyone proceeded.
"What're we doing later though?" You bombarded sensei with many questions. "Kira, please stop drowning me with questions," sensei begged with slight frustration.
"Okay, I'll ask this little pigeon here then. Hey pigeon, what are we doing later hmm?" You pointed to a random pigeon and the team stifled a laugh, earning a huff from sensei.
"We're here," Kenma mumbled and pointed towards the gym. It was ordinary and looked old, and you cheered loudly. Soon, you heard the doors slam open and out came two Karasuno players dashing towards you.
"Kira-chan!!!" They yelled in unison and leaped at you, you immediately dodged and they rammed into Kuroo and Kenma.
Luckily Kenma was beside Kuroo so he held onto him before he fell. You widened your eyes and Kuroo gave them the half lidded glare, which made them back away and chuckle nervously. "Oops! We missed," they rubbed their neck.
"Oi!" A stern voice shouted, "Get your asses back here!" It was Daichi, and he was displeased at the rowdiness that came from outside, including the two second years that ran off from practice.
"Sorry Daichi," they skipped back and winked at you, which you waved awkwardly. "Ah she waved at us!" Tanaka clasped his hands together.
You breathed out heavily and the whole team soon went into the gym, practicing with the Karasuno team.
As practice ended, everyone was lying on the floor and some chit chatting. Lev, Kenma and Hinata were talking about their heights and Lev's clumsiness and bad receives, Kuroo, Yamamoto, Yaku and you talking about tomorrow's events and the rest sitting around and rested.
"I'm starving!" Nishinoya groaned, the rest nodding in agreement. "The sensei's have already bought food for all of us," Daichi informed and some of our stomachs grumbled.
"Well, we'll be staying in school campus so I'll bring you all to the rooms. You all will be staying in the music room, which is spacious and has air condition," Daichi explained and you cheered with a fist in the air.
"Calm down, you," Kuroo elbowed you and you grunted. "Okay practice is ending, we do our stretches before heading to the room," Daichi reminded before walking off.
Stretching was tiring, and you'd rather do 20 diving receives than stretching. It was painful and you always slacked, which always got caught by Kuroo and a flick to your forehead.
"Do it properly," Kuroo eyed you carefully and you groaned loudly while stretching your legs. "Itaiiiii!!"
"Alright let's go," Daichi clapped his hands before leading us to the music room. "It's so far," you blurted and Kenma nudged you, signaling you to shut up.
Daichi chuckled and mumbled, "It sure is, so that you'll be jogging to and fro for practices." You choked and coughed loudly, and tensed up.
As you and your team reached, you immediately unpacked your things and realized there were 4 big mattresses laid out in the big wooden floor.
"Holy shit it's nice," you smiled widely and covered your mouth realizing you were being rough with your language.
"Don't mind her," Kenma let out an apologetic gaze to Daichi and he waved off. "I've heard worse," he smiled assuringly.
You plunged yourself down on the bed and rolled around freely, which earned a sweat drop from the team and two of them carried you off the bed and tossed you to Kuroo who picked you up easily.
"You're dirtying the room, Kira," Kenma sighed and peeked at the mess through his messy hair. There were clothes everywhere and tiny chips lying on the ground.
You yawned loudly and announced that you're sleeping soon and growled when Lev turned on the lights, and he shrieked before apologizing and switched it back off.
The night was filled with snores and sleep talking, annoying you so much that you grumbled plenty of 'shut ups', which Kuroo snored louder each time and you groaned in frustration.
You fell asleep around midnight even though you were already in bed at 9pm, as all the snoring bothered you so much.
Finally, you managed to fall asleep when their snores paused, but as you were sleeping, you could hear faint snores and you tried to ignore it and continue sleeping, which you succeeded.
The sunlight that slipped it's way through the curtains woke you up slowly, and you moved around in your sleeping position before fluttering your eyes open.
"What's the time now?" You ruffled your hair and yawned loudly. A few of them had already woke up and Kenma was one of them.
"Geez cover your mouth," Yaku commented and you huffed while crossing your arms, eyelids falling closed and growing more and more tired.
"Okay everyone wake your asses up!" Kuroo boomed and everyone jolted awake, cringing at his sudden loudness. "Shut up, Kuroo," you sat up with your legs crossed and slowly dozing off before a pair of strong arms carried you.
You continued sleeping and the person who carried you dropped you on the ground and you yelped, jerking awake instantly. You rubbed your butt and frowned. "Bastard!"
"Great! Now everyone's awake! Go get ready," Kuroo clapped his hands and let out a shit eating grin.
You scowled and crawled to the bathroom lazily, earning curious glances from your juniors. A few asking if you're okay or not, while the rest asked if you needed any help.
"Today is going to be exhausting," you sighed and did your morning routine before heading to join the team after you're all set to go.
Today consisted of practice and going to see the Spring Tournament's first rounds. Seijoh will be there too and going up against a unfamiliar school.
"I'm excited for later!" You hopped like a little bunny after you're wide awake. You suddenly felt more energetic than usual and restless too.
"There, you being annoying again," Kenma muttered but you caught it, and you knocked his head hard with a growl, earning a grunt from him.
"Alright everyone's here, let's go!" Kuroo and Daichi said at the same time, and everyone boarded the coach which will bring you to the gymnasium.
This is going to be fun!

Badass Aces [ Kuroo Tetsurou ]
FanfictionLiterally the twin of Kuroo Tetsurou when compared at personalities. However, you are Kenma's sister which is unbelievable. Kuroo has been yours and Kenma's childhood friend for as long as you can remember, and have always played volleyball together...