Visit from a goddess

Start from the beginning

"Hey" Hermes tried to get their attention...but failed.

"-and me? i bring one single guy down here and you freak! And then you send Jonny to Tartarus! Your just like Zeus! He did that with Ixone! And poor Hera!" Persephone started jabbing him with a finger.

The Bag. Bring the bag.

"Alice? ALICE!" Someone was shaking my head furiously. i gasped and looked around. That was....strange? I've nerve seen a vision of the gods before. Maybe my gift is developing? i have to ask Carlisle about it. Is it even possible?

"Alice! What did you see?" Now paying attention i noticed that Jasper was franticly looking at me in worry. Not thinking about it twice i leaned up and pecked him in the lips softly before pulling back and smiling. What i'm pretty sure looked like i was Chester cat.

"I'm not sure but i know we have to go back" I confessed jumping of the sofa i was on and running into my room. i quickly got out a small carry on bag that i had stored in the back of the closet.

"Alice what are you doing? Who's bag is that?" Jasper asked rapping his arms around my waist. i set the bag on the bed.

"Bella left this, well i thought Bella had left this when she and Edward stayed over and i was saving it for her but now i'm not so sure" i mumbled fumbling with the zipper. Should i open it? Oh what the heck.

I opened the bag holding my breath. i let it out when i looked inside. Okay? Some jewelry and.... a Shakespeare book? Mid-Night Summer Dream to be correct. What the heck? "well this doesn't help at all" i mumbled. Looking through the jewelry.

"What did you expect to find?" Jasper asked looking at what i was fumbling with. It seemed like a pain silver ring to me. i took it out f the bag to look at it more closely and i saw that it had some initials carved in it. E.O. & A.O.. Who's that?

I gave the ring to Jasper and he seemed as confused as i was. Furrowing my eyebrows i pulled out a bracelet from the bag. It was in design of a snake. And the head opened up to be a watch. "Nice" i comment putting it on.

"We cant! That's why!" A man around his mid 20ies threw his hands up. He yelled frustrated at the young woman who was with him shedding silent tears. "Beth, don't cry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way, i want this as much as you do honey, you know that right?" He whispered to Beth lifting up her chin with he's hand.

She just solemnly nodded and looked away. "I know it's just...." She whispered trailing off.

"I know, I know. But here, take this as a last gift" The man gave her a velvet box. When she took she it opened it revealing the bracelet i put on. "I enchanted it with magic so that whoever wears it-"

"ALICE! Snap out of it! Come on!" Jasper was shaking me again. Aw, just when i got to the good stuff.

Quickly taking off the bracelet i threw it back in the bag. Did i just see that vision because i took the bracelet? Because it looked like the 30's in the vision. And i'm pretty sure people rant wearing that kind of clothes anymore.

"Alice? Honey what's wrong?" Jasper asked me.

"I just saw a vision.....well, i'm not to sure about WHAT it was. It's like a vision.....only in the past, when i put on the bracelet" i said looking up at him.

"We should tell Carlisle right away" he said quickly. He picked up the bag and looked back at me "Don ever do that again. It's freaking me out. Your eye's.....they were smoky gray like a blind persons are sometime's"

What! Oh no! i rushed to the mirror and was relived when i saw my regular golden eyes. i cant look like that. "Come one lets tell Carlisle" i said pulling him while walking down the stairs.

Last Chance : A Percy Jackson/Twilight CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now