chapter 5~

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"So Daichi said yes, and their sensei agreed to have practice matches with us while we're in their school," you brought up while eating with Kenma and Kuroo at the rooftop.

"Really? That's great!" Kuroo exclaimed upon hearing the wonderful news, "I'll tell the team now!" He grinned while fishing out his phone and sending a text.

"We'll be camping at their school though," you continued, and Kuroo waved, "It's alright, we'll stay wherever we can."

"I'm kind of excited though," Kenma looked up with glimmering eyes you hadn't seen in months. "I'm glad you are," you smiled, and he nodded softly.

The bell rang shortly afterwards, you and Kuroo heading to your class while Kenma dragged his feet towards his classroom.

"Damn I'm fricking excited!" You jumped up and down, earning curious glances along the hallway. "Stop jumping like that, you skirt is flying up," Kuroo covered his eyes.

"You little pervert!" You screeched and punched his head. "Hey!" He rubbed his sore head and you huffed.

The trip will be next week, and the Spring Tournaments, too. You can't wait to see Aoba Johsai, Shiratorizawa, Dateko and Karasuno. It'll be intense.

"Stop dazing out," sensei knocked on your table, jolting you back to reality. "Hai~" you answered in a cheery tone.

You've seen their matches before with other schools, and their abilities are undeniably strong, the biggest improvement was Karasuno, and they've made a name for themselves again.

Seijoh was one of the powerhouse schools in Miyagi, and you desired to play with them, especially seeing their #4's spikes, it could blew you away in milliseconds. Also, you've heard about their captain's incredible serve. The way he controls the ball and power made you want to call him your 'senpai'.

The 'Iron Wall', Dateko. You had seen one of their blocks, and it was literally an iron wall, the firm and steady blocks they had, the incredible height and read blocks stood out from the match.

Last but not least, Shiratorizawa. Their solid receives and powerful spikes, and their strong and stern captain - Ushijima Wakatoshi, was the ace. You wanted to receive his spikes so badly that you couldn't sleep after seeing them.

Then you thought of your school, Nekoma. You doubted your school's abilities for a moment. Are you all really that good compared to them? What stood out from our team?

You sighed and daydreamed, thinking of the Spring Tournament and realized that the bell has already rang.

"Let's go practice!" Kuroo said and strided towards the gym.


Kuroo and I briefed our team mates about the trip and they all were hyped up, especially Yamamoto. He was yelling some cheers and everyone just stared at him wide eyed.

"Calm down, we're still speaking," Kuroo growled and he blushed from embarrassment before sitting on the ground.

"It'll be a week long, so I'd need your parents to sign a consent form," you explained and handed out the forms, double checking everyone has one and told them to pass it to you or Kuroo tomorrow.

"Next Monday to Sunday, and we will be going back after 2 weeks, if they qualify," you added, and Yamamoto were about to yell before you shushed him down. "Sorry..." he rubbed his neck and shut up.

"Dismissed!" Kuroo announced after the briefing and everyone went to take a quick shower before leaving the gym.

"Hey kitten," Kuroo jogged towards you. "What's up bamboo cat?" You furrowed your brows.

"You'll be playing in the practice matches with Karasuno right?" He asked hopefully, his cat like eyes shining with excitement.

"Yes, why?" You answered with a plain shrug. "Great, I'm sure we'll win!" He grinned proudly.

"Don't be late on Monday, or else I'll punch you," you reminded, giggling a bit knowing that you'll probably will be the one that's going to be late.

"Save it for yourself," Kuroo waved you and Kenma off before locking the gym and walking home together with you and Kenma.

~ Time skip to Monday, 5:45am ~

Kenma's alarm clock blasted through the walls and into your room, waking you up immediately. "Jesus Christ, what's the time now?" You muttered, letting out a loud yawn.

Hearing the alarm clock hasn't stopped ringing yet, you figured that Kenma is probably still sleeping.

"How is he not awake," you mumbled with a tint of frustration and shuffled into his room. "Yo wake up," you ripped his sheets off and he groaned softly.

"It's only 5.50am," he said softly, sliding into his dreamland again before you took his by the arms and pulled him up.

"Wake. The. Fuck. Up," You hissed. He opened his eyes wide and nodded. Satisfied with your tonality, you strutted out of his room and did your morning routine before making cereals and got changed.

"Kuroo is already walking here, have you even packed?" You gasped in shock. Kenma's bag was only packed with a few clothes, and he shook his head lightly.

"You should've told me!" You panicked and helped him pack a few more things and put in his gaming device, charger, headphones and his jacket.

"Ugh done!" You threw his back to him and he swiftly caught it, leaving the house afterwards. Surprisingly you have already packed everything and luckily your bag wasn't heavy.

"What took you so long?" Kuroo complained. "Kenma hadn't packed all of his things," you explained with a slight frown.

"Sorry," he muttered sadly. You were quite angry, actually, but seeing his expression, your face soften and smiled before landing your arm on his shoulder, assuring him it was alright.

A few minutes later you reached school and saw that sensei was waiting beside a bus, a few people already reached. You were quite early, considering you were 15 minutes earlier than the said timing.

Meanwhile you were loading your bags and the trolley of balls into the spacious trunk and soon, everyone has reached.

"Did you bring your knee pads and court shoes?" You asked everyone when they had settled down in the bus. "Yes!" Everyone replied in unison. You nodded with a satisfied smile.

"You guys can sleep as the ride is pretty long, coach and I will be driving and we'll wake you all up when we've reached," sensei said.

Everyone said an 'okay' and did their own things, taking pictures and chatting among themselves.

Kenma was playing on his gaming device and you were playing music in your headphones and shut the world out. As the ride got longer, you got sleepier so you took a nap while laying your head on Kenma's shoulder.

It was funny because, when you first joined the boys' volleyball club for training, no one knew you're Kenma's older sister, and when you two had intimate moves like hugging each other occasionally, everyone except Kuroo thought that you two were dating, and that made you and Kenma choke on your water.

Yamamoto was the happiest, upon knowing that you two were siblings are not dating, as it signifies that he had a chance, but he was just a best friend to you.

As you lay your head on Kenma's shoulder, you felt his head lie on top of yours shortly afterwards. Sensei and Yaku, thought it was cute so they secretly snapped a quick picture and it turned out quite perfect.

Kuroo and Yamamoto's laughter could be heard and you shifted your position a bit, trying to continue to sleep without them disturbing you.

The trip had more than 3 more hours to go and you were already looking forward to it more, but now, all you need is sleep.

Hope this trip turns out better than I thought...

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