*****Cassiopeia's POV*****
"Hi, honey." My Father says from his position at the front of the class. "Hi, Daddy." Riley says. I roll my eyes in annoyance and focus on reading the history book in front of me. "You're late to your Father's class." Father states. "Oh, don't worry, Mr Matthews. You wrote her a note." Maya, Riley's best friend, says. "I did?" Father questions. "You did." Maya states, the sound of moving paper sounding. "You did." Riley states. "Riley's late. Deal with it." My Father reads, "Oh, you got my signature down pretty good this time." I sigh in annoyance and try to zone out their voices. "May I overstep my boundaries, Sir?" Farkle asks. "You always do." Father replies. "Riley is the sun, warm and bright, she lights up my whole day. Maya, is the night, dark and mysterious, the night has always to me because I go to bed at 7.30. But wait! There is Cassiopeia, she is the cluster of stars in my life, her genius, kind and gentle features, what isn't there to love. So how can I love these three completely different women? How can I not? Thank you, I am Farkle!" Farkle explains. My cheeks turn red and I look up to see him smiling at me widely. I wave slightly and focus on my book.
"MA!" Riley yells as she walks into the apartment. "MA!" Father yells as he walks in a few seconds later. "Whatever this is, do not put me in the middle of the two people I love equally. Just kidding! Come here, honey." Mother says, hugging Riley. "My teacher followed me home. Can we keep him? Can we keep him? Please say no." Riley complains. "She walked out of my class. She's trying to be Maya." Father states. "Why would you want to be Maya?" Mother questions. "Because she's cool, she has a wild side. She does what she wants." Riley argues. I scoff and walk out of the main room, straight to my room.
I sit in my seat in the class watching in annoyance as Maya start collecting peoples' homework. She reaches me and I force my paper away from her. She rolls her eyes and moves along. I watch in shock as she pulls two sparklers from Farkle's Diorama and stands on her chair reaching her arms up high. "The burning of homework led to the end of the Homework Rebellion, because there was no more homework!" Maya calls for the class to hear. I quickly stand up and pull the pile of completed homework away from her grasp and back away as she sends me a death glare. "Alright, alright. That's far enough, Maya. I get it." Father says, trying to pull her off her chair. "No homework, more freedom!" Maya yells. I gasp in shock as the smoke from the sparklers touch the fire alarms, setting it off along with sprinklers. I stuff the homework into my bag as everyone flees the room and I quickly follow the crowd. I pass my sister and her friends group and shake my head in disappointment before running out.
I place the homework on the kitchen table before heading off to my room to freshen up and change into a dry set of clothes.
A crack rings out from outside and my door bursts open. I sit up in confusion as Auggie crawls onto my bed, shaking. "I'm scared Cassie." He whimpers, cuddling into my side as thunder sounds. "Let me tell you a story." I say helping him under the covers. He nods and lets out a whimper as the thunder rumbles again.
"Once upon a time, Lightning and Thunder lived on the earth, just like other people. The king was, however, not happy and made them live at the edge of the town, far away from the other people.
Thunder was an old sheep and Lightning was her only son, a ram. Lightning was very mischievous and whenever he got angry, he destroyed trees and burnt down houses. Every time Lightning caused any harm to anyone, Thunder, the sheep used to get very angry and scold him in a very loud voice. But Lightning hardly ever listened to his mother and continued causing damage to everyone. Gradually, people got very irritated with Lightning and finally complained to the king about him.
The king was concerned about the people of his town and ordered Thunder and Lightning to go out of the town and live by themselves in the faraway bushes. However, that did not make much of a difference. Even now whenever the ram lost his temper, he would scream out loud and burn the forest. At times, the fire from the forest would spread from there and burn the village houses.
The people were scared and worried and once again reported the matter to the king. The king was very angry this time. He was concerned about the well-being of his people. He decided to banish the mother and the son. He ordered them to leave the earth and go and live in the sky. Since then, Lightning causes fire and destruction whenever he is angry and his mother continues to scold him loudly, asking him to stop the destruction. That is why you can always see the bright Lightning on the sky and hear the loud Thunder right after that. Sometimes when the mother is tired or doing some other work, you can still see Lightning causing fire but the mother's voice is nowhere to be heard."
I finish the story and look down to Auggie to see him wearing a sleepy smile. "Don't worry Auggie. I'll always be here to protect you from Lightning the Ram." I whisper, kissing his head lightly. He cuddles into my side and falls asleep. I turn on my music and play some of the piano music that is composed by my favorite pianist Carter Burwell. I smile as the sound of Bella's Lullaby fills my room and I cuddle into Auggie, letting sleep take over.

Riley Matthews' Invisible Sister
FanfictionFrom the day she was born, 1 hour before Riley, Cassiopeia "Cassie" Marie Matthews has been in the shadows of her younger sister. Farkle and Auggie are the only ones who has noticed her, Auggie since he was a toddler and for that she is thankful for...