late drive(hoodie allen)

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I was waiting in the dark lot of the Megabus station in downtown Atlanta. It was cold,everytime i breathed i could see my breath wandering away.

"Where is he?" I shivered. I was hugging myself tightly in my black and blue dip dye sweater(which was a bad idea).

I looked around the vacant lot,just me..alone...scared...and cold.

A sudden car horn scared me,concluding to me holding myself even tighter.

"Y/n!" i heard my name being yelled.  I turned and saw Hoodie, boyfriend of 4 months, walking towards me with open arms. "Hoodie!"i jumped on him,begging for a little warmth.

"You ready to leave?" he placed his warm hands on my frozen  cheeks but flinched back. "You're cold. C'mon lets go." he said while rushing me and my stuff to the car.
I set my things in the back seat of the car and sat next to him in the passenger seat.

"So how was Tennessee? You finally meet your dad like you wanted?" he asked. I rested my head back in the seat,i felt a slight headache creeping up on me.

"Its was great. You know,i got to see my aunt and my cousins but my dad...not him." i responded.  He replied with a quiet "oh."

"Well..maybe next time."I added."So hows it been while i was gone. I bet the house a mess. Ain't it?"  i scolded him. He made a "let's not talk about it" face.

"Y/n?" hoodie asked. I turned to him and said "yes?"

"I missed you a lot. I was pretty lonely while you were gone. Dont leave me like that ever again." hr grabbed my hand and entwined it with his and kissed it." Come with me next time then. You'll finally get to meet my family." i suggested. His face turned sour which made me suprised. I wasn't gonna question him.

"Yea.  I wont leave you like that again. "I said ending the silence.


I havent updated in like forever and i feel bad for the ppl who were waiting. But if you wanna see some current work and actually a story that us usually worked on everyday go check out my account with my friend. The account is no_eazy101

Blackbear ,G- Easy,and Hoodie Allen Interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now