chapter thirteen- Broken

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{Song for the chapter: Broken by Daley}


I woke up from my deep sleep to find him here, by my side. I couldn't remember what had happened the past couple of days. I saw many IVs in my arm. I panicked. attached to my hand was his. I shook it off.

I didn't want him anywhere near me. he had hurt me, multiple times. I wasn't going to let him in again bc I'm in a hospital. I'm done with our relationship. if you could still call it one. he had made me look a fool too many times.

look at him. sleeping there next to my bed. that's the face that started it all. I fell in love with the idea of him. after a while I convinced myself to love him for his personality. when I saw the monster side of him I convinced myself that he was just mad, that it wasn't really max. sadly, that was a lie and I knew it. I knew what he was capable of and so did he.

I saw his eyes open. they immediately landed on me. I looked away quickly. I didn't want to give him anything. I had forgotten that this was a battle.

I had to show my strong side.

he stood up from his brown leather chair and pulled it closer to my bed. he once again grabbed my hand. this made me shiver.

I know he wanted to start over, but I couldn't. he still did not know the pain I had gone through for so long and I think that pained me the most.


I grabbed her hand and she shook. I know what I have done and that breaks my heart. I drove her away from me and all I wanted was to have her back. at this point, I knew she deserved more, more than I could ever give her.

I decided to give her some space, maybe then she could forgive me. I got up and left the room.


I thought I wanted him to leave, but now I've noticed how cold this room is. I needed his warmth. his presence. I needed him,

but he's gone and he may never come back. this is what I wanted. this entire time. but now all I want is to have him back.

I try to remember all the bad things he had done to me, yet nothing knocked me out of my love trance.

Camille walked in at that moment. she looked straight at me and said "you still love him." I shook my head. no.

it was true. I did still love him. as much as I wanted not to, I did.

I needed him and I needed to stop this self pity. I I thought I needed a lot of things, but sitting here in this room all alone for days has opened my eyes. some things you say you need are just wants. I wanted him to feel secure. to feel that my life was fulfilled by getting married. he doesn't want me and I need to accept that. I am not his, he is not mine, and I need to accept that. somehow, all of my health problems do not phase me, it's moving on that scares me.

max had all control of me. he had my body because the nurses could not trust me (considering I just had surgery) so he was next in line for my control. he had my heart because I still loved him. he had my mind because this "love" was slowing deteriorating my sanity. I knew this was not in my control, it was in his, and I think that's what scares me the most.

AN: so I have had these chapters written for a couple days now and I was editing it and this just happened again. wow. I feel stupid. I need a hug. thanks for reading! xx, Erin

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