Puck- you know you didn't ruin my life

Quinn- you know that wasn't the point of that story

Puck- no but I just want you to know that before I met you my life was meaningless, a series of one night stands and liquor and somehow when I met you it's like a switch went off and suddenly my life had a meaning. And when you were pregnant with Beth I started to get my act together for her and so I stopped drinking and smoking and I started trying to work to get money for my kid and suddenly I realized that if I was willing to work so another person could have a future than maybe I deserved one myself. Ive never told anyone but that night that you asked me to babysit with you I blew off my plans to go smoke pot with some of the guys and they all ended up overdosing and those guys died that night, when I herd I realized how close I was to being one of those guys. The dude who people use as an example for what not to do when talking to there kids. You literally saved my life Quinn Fabray, never think of yourself as less than an angel from heaven.

Quinn- that might just be the nicest thing anyone has ever told me.

Puck- I love you Quinn Fabray

Quinn- I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you
From: Blaine to: Wes, David, Nick, Jeff, Thad, Ethan, Even, Trent, Dwight and Reed

-Wes named the group "Da Warblers🐤👔🎧

Blaine- so guys I kind of need your help,  I may or may not have sent a few picture of Kurt and I in you may say compromising positions to both of his parents.

David- Dude, thats not good

Blaine- thanks David because I didn't know that

Wes- god calm down Blainers, were just trying to help

Blaine- play, okay your right, sorry guys

Thad- its cool bro, but I hope you know that we are most definitely never going to let you live this down.

Blaine- Thanks Thad

Thad- no problem

Blaine- WAIT, Thad your straight right?!?!

Thad- umm... yes, why, are you seriously gonna not ask my advice because I'm straight, thats like hetrophobic. It is hard to be a straight white man in america these days

Nick- shut up

Thad- and what are you gonna do if I don't?!?

Jeff- you can't talk to my boyfriend like that!

Trent- guys were suppose to be dealing with Blaine's problem

Blaine- thank you Trent

Wes- no but in all seriousness, just apologize to Kurt and his family and when Kurt's 6'4, football playing, over protective brother beats you up use all that boxing practice

Blaine- thanks, and actually speaking of Finn, he was in a car accident and Kurt is kind of freaking out, would you maybe try to distract him for me

Trent- oh I think we can handle that

Blaine- I regret this already


From: Mercedes to: Rachel, Santana and Kurt

-Kurt named the group DIVA's of the new directions💎

Mercedes- how's Finn doing?

Kurt- Carole says the doctors say she'll be okay

Santana- Kurt, is Rachel okay? I don't know if she's ever gone this long without checking her phone

Kurt- wow, you must be worried. I think this is the first time you've actually called me by names before. Rachel's just been staring at a blank wall for the past few hours, my dad tried to talk to her for a little bit but she won't say anything.

Mercedes- well tell her that were all praying for her and Finn🙏

Kurt- you finally gave up praying for me then

Mercedes- no, I just don't tell you

Kurt- you guys are amazing, you know that right

Mercedes- well of course we know, they don't call us the divas for nothing

Santana- your amazing too Kurt, don't forget that

Kurt- are you high, you have never been this nice to me

Santana- yeah, well this whole thing made me realize I need to start telling people how min they mean to me
________________________________people-sitting-in-uncomfortable-chairs-and-florescent lighting-while-waiting-to-hear-if-their-loved-one-is-alive-squad

Carol- hey guys, Finn woke up, but he umm.. Has some amnesia

Burt- How bad?!?

Carol- he remembers everything up until about the time Will started the glee club

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