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Phil went back home to Peyton with their coffees, her suspicions low. Throughout the whole movie, throughout everything he did that day, the only thing he could think about was what had happened with Dan.
Dan said it was nothing, but it obviously wasn't. What was Dan reliving? And what did the fact that he slept have to do with it? All normal people sleep... Did this happen to Dan every morning he wakes up?

Phil shook it off and looked over to his girlfriend. He would rather be with Dan.

But he didn't.

Peyton loves him and he loves her. For some reason, even though it's been merely a week since they met, and somehow Dan is beginning to be a troublesome distraction in his life.

Phil focuses again.

On her blue eyes that contrast her bright platinum blonde hair. Her small adorable perky nose. Phil loved to look at what was in front of him sometimes. It took him to a happy place, despite all the shit Peyton continuously puts him through, this was the woman he loves.

He places his arm around Peyton's much smaller frame and kisses her head. She doesn't budge. No smile or kiss. She just sits there, denying her love for Phil as always.

- - - - -

Dan finishes yet another episode of American Horror Story. Ironically, Chris calls.

"Ayyy" Chris says on the other line, before Dan even says anything.

"Hey Chris."

"What you been up to mate? Haven't heard from you since you asked about that Phil guy."

"Oh nothing. Just been sitting in, hung out with Phil a few times." Dan explains.

"What's your crazy obsession with that guy anyways. You haven't even talked to your best friend because you've been too focused on being with Paul." Dan rolls his eyes.

"Phil, and you've literally been the only person I talked to for the past 5 fucking years, so excuse me if I want to make new friends." Dan snaps. A long annoyed sigh comes from the phone.

"Whatever, Dan. Wanna hang out tonight or something?" Chris makes an effort to offer.

"Not really in the mood tonight." 

"Alright, whatever have fun with your boyfriend, Dan. I give up."

"Chri-" Dan begins to say before Chris cuts him off by hanging up.

Dan sighs and throws his body to the back of the couch, positioning himself into the sofa crease, molded perfectly for his body.

Chris liked to go out, and even when he didn't him and Dan usually spent their time drinking and gaming all night, which now that Dan thought about it that would be a good thing, just to distract him from the nightmares and insomnia, however Dan wasn't in the mood to be drinking, because that'll make him sleep and the last thing Dan needs is to wake up due to an anxiety attack, paired with a hangover.

You may be thinking, Dan doesn't have to drink, but with Chris things get just that depressing, and if there's a bottle of vodka right in front of him with the combination of depressing conversations, Dan would most likely drink until he blacks out.

Insomnia was always the better option.


531 words


Please go reply to the comment on my page (you can get to this by visiting my profile, clicking conversations, and then replying to my most recent message) with a fall or Halloween related question for future QOTD's!! Thanks!!

Heyo! Sorry it's been a while, I got grounded. I hope you all are doing good. I kinda am. I mean, beside school life is pretty great for me. It's just that my grades are flopping and it stresses me the fuck out, it puts this weight on my chest. Especially when I have a C in Algebra when it goes into my high school GPA (I'm in 8th grade honors algebra ).

But anyways yes life has been amazing. My girlfriend and I are still together, actually Sunday our month "anniversary".

Anyways, if I don't inevitbly get grounded again I should update again in the next 2-4 days. Love you all!

-Lae <3

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