I'm sorry...

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"I just can't do this anymore..." I barely breathed out as the rain started pouring down on the pavement.

"Wha- what?" Austin stutters, reaching out, trying to grab my hand. I look down the busy road and embrace the storm surrounding us. Just like it, i'm destroying opportunities for him.

"It's better this way" I whisper, pulling my hand away and slipping it into my jacket pocket. I close my eyes for a second because I know if I look at him, I won't be able to do this. Without a second thought, I take off running into the rain. He begins following after me, shouting my name, but I don't stop. When I make it to the street corner, his faint but very clear voice just shouts, "please." 

I stop dead in my tracks, turning to face him. He's only five feet away from me, but the mountain that's already started forming is closing him off. I face my fears and look up. The pain in his eyes is a dagger. I know i'm hurting him now, but I also know walking away from him now will be helping him in the future.


After that night, Austin didn't speak to me again. Who could blame him? I left him out in the pouring rain, on a street corner half past two AM. 

It's been 2 months exactly since the devastation of us took place. 8 weeks without a voice that i thought i could never live without will clearly be the death of me. I had unfollowed him on most things the night it happened. I actually haven't really been on social media since the break up. Mahomies may seem nice and innocent, but when you do something like this to their reason for living, they become haters.

I do know he's on tour though... I saw it on E news the other night. Seeing his face burnt a hole directly into my already shattered heart.

Maybe the loneliness takes over or maybe the desperation to see how he is finally takes over my will power, but I find myself logging back onto twitter today. Instantly, I scroll up and click the search engine. I type the words i know i probably shouldn't.


His last tweet was 9 days ago. On December 11th.

"A special girl is celebrating a special day. Happy birthday..."

9 days ago was my birthday... 

He remembered... 

I keep going down.

 Aside from his promotion tweets, everything he was posting was sad.

"My heart hurts"

"Pain is pointless because all it does is makes you depressed"

"I miss your arms"

"11:11... I only have one wish... Please let it come true."

"I miss the smell of your hair"

"Please just tell me where i went wrong..."

"What did I do?"

I don't know if these tweets are about me, but who else would they be about? Austin and I have been together for a long time and I'm certain I was the only woman in his life, aside from his mother. 

Everything I'm reading hurts me. I didn't mean to destroy him like this. I thought I was helping him..

I scroll back to the top. My eyes close, but quickly I reopen them as I hit the follow button in the corner. 

I look over by his username.

He still follows me... 

Now i feel bad...

Within a minute, i have a new DM.


"Hi..." i reply.

"Hi" he says.

I smile and take in a deep breath.

"How are you?" i ask.

"Better now" he responds.

The smile remains on my face, but broader. Suddenly I'm sitting there blank. I don't know how to respond to that. 

"Can i call you?" he double texts. 

Imagine: Austin Mahone Edition *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now