Part 12

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Part 12


Getting out of the car had me sighing in relief. I quickly rolled down my sleeves, before stretching. Finally, I was going to see my dragonfly. And this time, I would take her away for good. She would be mine now, no more running away.

The plane ride was exhausting, but it was worth it. I had planned everything for Kelsey's arrival, and now I would just go and kidnap her; it shouldn't be difficult considering the fact that she would be sleeping right now. Finally, after all this time, she would be mine.

"It's about time you arrived," Adone said, coming up to me before slapping me on the back.

"I was preparing things for Kelsey's arrival," I explained, even though he already knew where I was and why I was there.

"Good, tell me you're here to take her away, she is a handful. The woman really knows how to test a man's patience; and what is the deal with those bears?!" He ranted.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Adone, whining at every job; it was a miracle how he could get the job done with the way he complained about every fucking thing.

"Tell me you're keeping an eye on her," I stated, sliding inside the black Porsche and turning the ignition. I could've used the car I came in, but I needed to do this alone, not with the driver present.

"Of course I am." Adone slid in the passenger seat next to me. "But Renzo has been keeping an eye on her for the past week because she nearly blows a fuse everytime she sees me."

"Don't worry, after tonight, she'll know how to behave." I put the car into drive and sped off to Kelsey's apartment, my groin tightening at the thought of having her all to myself. Soon I would teach her how to behave and speak with me. No longer would I tolerate her temper tantrums and childish threats. She was going to submit to me, and if she didn't do so willingly, I had ways to have her yield to me forcefully.

"Renzo is watching her apartment," Adone informed me.

I nodded. "Good. Was there a time when you guys weren't watching her?" If these two had let Kelsey out of their sight, I was going to have their heads.

"No. We tried our best to keep track of her every move," he replied, easing my worries.


For a while neither of us spoke. I manuvered the car towards Kelsey's apartment, my excitement growing by every mile. Kelsey didn't know a thing about me. She didn't know what kind of a monster I really was; but she was going to find out in a few hours, when she would wake up in a totally different place. And then I would show her the evil that lurks underneath the doctor exterior. I would hurt her, and then I would make it all better. I was going to be her tormentor and healer all in one. She would never know whether I would be nice to her or be the reason for her screams. I would keep my dragonfly on her toes. She would be scared of me, and I would feed off of her fear. And when she'd cry, I would lick her tears.

"Okay, so you were supposed to be gone for a week only, why did you take an extra week?" Adone asked me, penetrating my erotic thoughts. Only a couple of miles separated me and my little mouse.

"I had to check up on Severin's girl. I was at the mansion for a week before I went to Fymm Enclave to prepare for Kelsey's arrival," I explained.

"You didn't tell me Severin got a girl. Does Renzo know about her?" Adone looked offended, and I chuckled. I could understand why he would be offended. My twin and I along with Adone and Renzo had been pretty tight in school. But Adone and I got closer in medical school while Renzo and Severin bonded over weapons and strategies.

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