
The girls were at the infirmary the other day. They were asking for the doctor to let them not participate on gym class because they were supposed to be at the pool.

-Please!-said Flora.

-But why?-asked Ofelia (the doctor).

-We're allergic to the pool water.-said Tecna.

-All of you?-asked Ofelia.

They nodded.

-Alright. Well, since you're here, I may as well do a quick checkup.-said Ofelia.


-Sit!-she said strictly.

They sat down. She made some normal test every doctor does.

-Now's time for blood samples.-she said.

-Blood?-asked Bloom scarily.


-Hey girls, where have you been?-asked Timmy as he approached them in the hall.

-Ofelia was doing a checkup.-said Bloom.

-Ofelia?-asked Timmy.

-The school's doctor.-said Flora.

-Well at least we got out of gym class.-said Musa.

-Wait a minute, she took blood samples, what if there's something weird in our blood cells and DNA?-asked Tecna.

-That is a possibility.-said Timmy-But I'll have to run some tests.

The girls groaned.

In an hour, they were at their dorm and Timmy took blood samples.

Bloom shivered-Did we have to do this? I'm disgusted by blood and needles!

-At least it's over and now we get to go to volleyball rehearsal.-said Layla.

-Volleyball?-asked Flora.

-We got the team, remember?-asked Musa.

-Oh, right. Can we come?-asked Flora.

-Sure, why not.-said Layla.


The girls got to the beach. Layla and Musa put their bags that were full of clothes and towels behind them. The girls sat aside to watch.

-Why all the towels, it's just the beach!-said Nabu from the other side of the net.

-We don't like getting wet!-said Layla.

They started playing and the girls were in the lead, again. It was break time.

-Tough game, ha?-asked Stella jokingly.

-Yup.-said Layla sarcastically.

Suddenly Riven and Nabu poured buckets of water on them. They started running towards the sea.

-It's just water, what's the big deal?-asked Nabu.

Layla tripped and fell on the ground. She managed to stand up.

-Layla, are you ok?-yelled Nabu.

-Yeah!-Layla kept running.

Nabu went after her-Wait! I'm sorry!

Layla was just about to jump in the water when she transformed in front of the sea.

-Damn!-she hit the sand with her fist-How I wish I was Musa or Stella now.

-Layla!-she heard Nabu.

She tried pulling herself to the sea, but she didn't get very far when Nabu came.

-Layla?-he stared at her with wide eyes and an open mouth.

-Hi.-said Layla, weakly and sheepishly.


Layla and Nabu were sitting on the sand on the part of the beach she transformed.

-So you're a mermaid?-asked Nabu.

Layla nodded-Please, I'm begging you, which is pretty unusual for me, Please don't tell anyone!

-I won't. For you.-he said-So are the others mermaids too? They have to be, they ran away from the water as well.-said Nabu.

-Yeah.-she said.

-Wow.-he said.

-That's why we brought the towels and missed the pool activities and didn't want to be on the team. The only one that knows about us is Timmy.-said Layla.

-The Timster? No wonder he went to MAKO.-said Nabu.

-Layla! Layla!-they heard the girls and Timmy closing in. They came at the place Nabu and Layla were at.

-What' cha doin'?-asked Musa.

-Well, I don't know how to break it to you, but Nabu, kind of, you know, accidently found out.-said Layla.

-What?! How?!-asked Stella.

-She tripped when she was running. But don't worry, she explained everything and I won't tell anyone and no one but I saw her.-said Nabu.

-Welcome to the club.-said Timmy.


The girls and Timmy were at their dorm.

-Alright, I finished the analysis of the blood samples and you are in danger, you can see they are different and that means we MUST go at Ofelia's office, now!-said Timmy.

They all rushed to Ofelia's office.

-Miss Ofelia!-yelled Musa when they entered. They found her in her office.

-Ah, girls. Sit down.-she said.

-Miss Ofelia, can we get our blood samples back?-asked Flora.

-Timmy, do you mind going out for a while?-asked Ofelia.

-Actually, I think I should stay here.-he said.

-Very well. I found something interesting in your blood cells and DNA.-said Ofelia.

The girls gulped and had frightened face expressions.

-I believe I've seen these strange things in some friends of mine and my blood samples.-she said.

-What are you getting at?-asked Layla.

-I know you're mermaids.-said Ofelia. The girls' and Timmy's mouths were wide open.

-Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.-said Ofelia.

-Wait, you said you and your friend had the same blood cells as us, does that mean you're like us?-asked Tecna.

-Were dear. We lost our powers.-said Ofelia.

-How?-asked Bloom.

-It was on a certain full moon, but that's not important now, I'll tell you some other time.-she said.

-Who are your friends?-asked Flora.

-I believe they're dead.-said Ofelia.

-I'm sorry.-said Flora.

-It's alright, that's the course of nature.-said Ofelia.

-How many of you were there?-asked Timmy.

-Six.-said Ofelia.

The girls smiled.

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