Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

                 I Don't Know What to Say

Finally, the last bell of the day rang, and I was frantically pacing outside by the entrance for Sarah. So I could go home with her, smell her perfume, and tell her what has been going on through my mind since I woke up from that wonderful dreamlike night.

I've finally decided what I would do. I'd tell her of my feelings tonight. If she is disgusted with me and doesn't want to be my friend, then I'll break down in tears. I would suck it up though. I'd give my soul to be with her for the rest of my days. What a wonderful life that would be.

After a minute or two, I thought she might have left through the back entrance in the gym. Sprinting around the stupid teens of this school, I stood on the hill by the parking lot where only students parked. I rocked onto the balls of my feet and searched for her car or her. Whichever happened first.

I saw her finally walking out of the gym doors. I immediately started down the hill, but nearly slip and fell when I examined her again. A guy followed behind, surprising her at first, then she smiled gently at him. I gripped my chest, feeling my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. I retreated back up the hill, catching a bus. I was too afraid to find out the possible worst, so I trudged back up the hill and toward a bus. This sucks worse than Dora the stupid explorer who couldn't find her way to the nearest Ihop if her life depended on it.

Oh, Sarah. Please don't fall for that guy. Give me a chance, please. Don't fall for a dick head.

All of these silent prayers would do me no good. I just knew they wouldn't. It could have all been a dream. She would think I'm crazy if I asked her, but it felt so real. The smell of her, the taste of her lips and her tongue, the feel of her body under my fingertips, and-

I didn't want to keep thinking about that. I was in front of more than a dozen kids from school and that would be rather strange if I started to get really happy out of nowhere. I'm just a Sophomore. It's not like people would notice me that much. Sarah noticed me. Ever since the play date our parents put us on. Oh, my only real date with her. What I'd give to relive that day, being older of course. Even if we were just wearing diapers, that wouldn't chase me off. 

My darling Sarah.

What do I have to do to make you love me?

Do you want me to give you the moon? The stars? Do you want me to catapult myself off a cliff? I'll do anything just to taste your lips. Do you want me to be a man? I'll get surgery. I swear it. If it makes you love me, then I won't hesitate. Just say the word, my angel.

Getting way too excited, I crossed one leg over the other and bit on my thumb. I stayed on the bus until I reached Sarah's house.

Her family reminded me of the Brady Bunch, subtracting about four people. I'm not good at math. She had a loving and wonderful home, and I was very envious of the love/hate between each of the family members. Her brothers - only two lived in the house, other two moved out - Jessie and Casey were competitive with each other and Sarah. They'd all play volleyball in their pool during the summer, I'd come, too, but Sarah defeated us all. She was really good.

Sarah and her older sister who had been long off and married for five years now, Amy, were closer than I was with her, and that made me jealous every time they hugged or were in closer contact than I was. It was at its worst during a little tent-in-the-backyard trip when Sarah and I were ten and eleven. We admitted we'd never been kissed. Amy insisted on teaching us the ropes, saying it was normal for girls to learn that way. I figured out later it was all bologna. But the fact Amy, Sarah's own sister, had kissed her before I had a chance still ignites my envious heart. 

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