3. Morning

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Juvia's P.O.V
When I woke up, I realized that I wasn't alone. Gray-sama was underneath me and I was sprawled out on top of him.
Kyaaa! He's so cute
I kissed him on his cheek and his eyes fluttered open.

All of a sudden, Gray-sama grabbed both of my hands and pinned my hands above my head
He looked at me, "Juvia?"
He immediately got off, of me and went to the bathroom

I wonder what that was about.
I'll go make him breakfast, he's probably stressed.

Gray's P.O.V
Crap! I nearly tried to hurt Juvia.
It's just this job, why am I stressing so much?
I'm starting to have regrets, for some reason.

"Gray-sama! I made you breakfast!" She yelled out from the kitchen.
"I'm not hungry!" I shouted back
"But, breakfast is the most important meal of the day" it's like I could sense Juvia pouting those lips of hers.
"Just shut up! Didn't you hear I don't want to eat!" I told her.

I went into the bedroom to see that she laid out clothes for me. "Tskk.."
I got dressed and went into the kitchen to see Juvia sweeping the floor, she was still in her night dress.
Damn! She looked sexy in it.

I decided to have breakfast, I might aswell since it is a bit early. "So much for that whole I don't wanna eat breakfast, ey?" I thought to myself.
I sat at the table and started to eat what was there; egg, bacon, toast, baked beans and hash brown.
She really outdone herself.
I could hear her humming her favourite song 'Masayume chasing'
Hmm.. I'm guessing she's excited for this job.

Not too long after she walked into the dining hall and her eyes widened.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips.
"I thought that you left already" she whispered in my ear as she removed her hands from around my neck.

"I decided that I was hungry, so I decided to have breakfast" I replied.
"O-oh, I'll eat with you then" she smiled and went to sit in a chair across from me.
I grabbed her wrist, "Stay here"
"H-hai!" She did as she was told and I pulled her onto my lap.

Juvia's P.O.V
We started to talk about a lot of things.
Mostly about what we and Fairy Tail were going to do later on that night.
He even fed me! >.<
Gray-sama is so kawaii!

I stood up, "I'll wash the dishes!"
"Mhmm.." he replied back.
I picked up the plates and cups and went back into the kitchen.


As I placed the plates and cups into the sink, a plate fell out of my hand and shattered into small pieces.
I'm so clumsy.

"JUVIA WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!" Gray-sama yelled and ran into the kitchen.
"I-I ...T-he plate ...it broke" I said as I tried to clean up the small fragments
"Y-your angry at me...I'm sorry" I told him.
He sighed, "Don't be sorry, it was an accident and I'm not angry with you"
"So do not start to cry" he said to me.
"I won't!" I said back.

The glass cut my finger and it started to bleed.
Gray-sama crouched down beside me, "Go clean that cut up, I'll take it from here"
"Get dressed too, I'm taking you with me to the Fairy Tail base"
"Hai!" I smiled.

I quickly hurried off into the bathroom and ran my bloody finger under the cold tap water.
I ran into the bedroom and got dressed into a white top, pink and purple shorts, and white trainers.
I put some of my hair into two small buns and left some of my hair out.

A//N: Not very imaginative? Use the picture above to see picture what she's wearing :)

I was thinking of wearing make up but it looks a little hot and last night Gray-sama mentioned training, and I don't want my make up to just melt off because of sweat. When I was finished getting ready I ran into the front room. I scanned the room for my beloved and found Gray-sama on the couch, on his phone.

Third Person P.O.V
"Gray-sama I'm ready!" Juvia said to Gray. Gray looked at her and licked her lips. He hopped off the couch and walked to her.

"Took you long enough" he told her and she giggled, "S-sorry"
He opened the door and Juvia walked closely beside him.

Gray drove to the Fairy Tail base and Juvia sat in the front seat.
The whole journey was surprisingly quiet, Juvia eventually broke the silence.
"G-Gray-sama?.." she gazed out the window.

"What?" He replied not taking his eyes off the road.

"Did I do something to make you angry this morning?" She asked him.
"I already told you that I'm not angry with you breaking the plate"
"N-not that!" She raised her voice a little, startling Gray a little.

"When we were in bed and you-"
"I wasn't angry, Just...don't worry about it" he said.
"O-oh, when we get back from the job I'll make you a nice warm bath and give you a massage" she said as she clapped her hands joyfully.
"Yeah, whatever..." he secretly smiled, not noticing that Juvia saw him do it.

He parked his car and before he got out Juvia asked him another question.
"Gray-sama, who was that girl"
"What girl?"
"The one in your office yesterday with Erza, Natsu and Lucy"
"Celia" he replied bluntly.
"F-fiancée?" She muttered
He brushed her hair back, "She's not my freaking fiancée!"
"Your my wife and that's that" he said loudly, making Juvia blush bright red.

"You finished asking me questions?" he raised his hand to the door handle and got out of the car.
"Yes, s-sorry for asking you a lot of questions" she got out of the car quickly. He waited for Juvia and then they both walked in together.

A loud calling startled them both.

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