Chapter 2

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It all goes back to Mama Joe’s Annual Memorial Day Cookout. Since Mama Joe and her family moved from Ga. to b-more she has always held big neighborhood cookouts. Mama Joe got her nick name because she either took care of someone else’s kids or helped took of them; she was Quisy’s grandmother on his mother side. While at the cookout Quisy wasn’t himself he was down and out and just wasn’t up for partying, he exited the scene and went into his grandmother’s house and into his old room. During a game of dominos Cut noticed Quisy wasn’t in sight so he quickly got up and went inside the house.

Knock! Knock!

Yeah? Quisy said.

Aye it’s Cut I’m coming in. Cut replied.

Yo why you in here everybody outside? Cut asked.

From the look on Quisy face Cut knew exactly why he wasn’t.

I’m iight just not in a party mood I guess. Quisy said.

Aye look you don’t have to put on a show for me how long have I known you so keep it a bean? Cut asked already knowing the answer.

Man this was her thing you know, she loved doing this with Mama Joe and I’m missing her right now. Quisy said with glassy eyes.

Cut sat on the bed next to Quisy he waited before he spoke only to think of how he should comfort his boy.

Look she was the truth and we all miss her but you can’t do this to yourself bruh she wouldn’t want you to stop living you know that right? Cut said with sincerity in his voice.

Quisy’s mom was shot three times last year twice in the back and once in the chest. Her death hit the streets in a way that most killings didn’t, she was an amazing woman who cared for anyone that crossed her path. She had a lot of Mama Joe in her she didn’t see others faults just people who made life mistakes.

Ms. Sheila death was fucked up believe me I know a hunit other mutha fuckas that deserve to die, but she wasn’t one of them. There isn’t a day that go by we don’t think about that shit. She was family and I know she looking down at you making sure you good so you got to want that shit too Quisy. Cut said.

Quisy couldn’t respond his mind flooded with the emotions he kept inside, but out of nowhere he felt a strong grip.
As Cut and Quisy remained in the room things soon turned upside down, Cut went to find Quisy because he didn’t see him and wanted to know why. As Cut remained in the room he felt something come over him something that he couldn’t explain. Before he knew it his very next move was to grab and hold Quisy and not let go. When Quisy felt these big and rough yet smooth hands grab his arms he quickly followed.

What you doing Cut. Quisy said nervously.
Shush. Cut said placing his finger over Quisy’s lips.

Don’t worry I got you Quisy I’ll protect you like I been doing you don’t have to face this alone I’m here and I’m not leaving you. Cut said gazing in Quisy’s eyes while holding him.

Cut where is this coming from I know I’m down but you don’t have to stay I’ll be iight. Quisy said holding on to Cut.

Fuck that! I said I got you nigga now let me do just that. Cut said aggressively yet sweetly.

Well I won’t let go then, I’m sorry I didn’t know that’s how you felt. Quisy said placing his head on Cut’s chest.
Bet but look I been feeling like this for a minute now and you know I’m not into niggas but for some reason I’m into you and seeing you hurting like this is doing something to me. Cut said.

But Cut….Cut interrupted.

Don’t talk I know it’s a lot for you right now just let me be here for you that’s all I’m asking. Cut said.
Moments passed and Quisy felt the pain of his mother’s death slowly ease his mind as he held onto Cut, then the silence finally broke.

Thanks slim,  I needed somebody to talk to I just didn’t want to put my problems on y’all you know. Quisy said with sadness in his voice.

Yea I know. We all know Shymir was just telling me how you ain’t really say anything about what happened he’s worried too just trying to give you some time. Cut said.

Yo if you want I’ll stay up here with you I wasn’t doing shit down there no way but cleaning house on them niggas in dominos. Cut said smiling.

Yea you can I appreciate it. Quisy said.

As hours went by and the cookout went on the two continued to hold one another till Quisy fell asleep. By that time Mama Joe was worried about her baby she went into the house to see if he was in there. As she searched around the place she didn’t see him but something told her to check his old room. So she went up stairs and got closer to his room she started hearing noise almost like snoring. After hearing noises from his room she went towards the door to open it, as she did so she was shockingly surprised at what laid before her.

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