Chapter 44

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Chapter 44: Time for my side of the story

Ramona's POV

He kissed me and I kissed him back, this is the first time we kissed where I don't have to think of the consequences afterwards. Jackson and I aren't dating anymore so I don't have to feel guilty about cheating on him I'm a free woman.

This kiss just doesn't feel right, I mean it does feel right but it feels wrong at the same time. I put my hand on Jordan's chest and I slowly push him away from me.

"I'm sorry, Ramona I kind of got caught up in the moment" Jordan apologizes as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand.

"Its okay" I forgive him, and we just sit there letting an awkward tension fill in between us.

"Hey Ramona" Jordan starts.

Jackson's POV

I got done with my dinner, and I got up from my seat and I put my plate in the sink. I started making my way towards the stairs but I stopped as I saw Ramona and Jordan through the window on the backdoor kissing. Ramona moves her hands towards Jordan's chest, probably so she can make her way up to his hair and they can have a full on make out session in the backyard.

"Jackson are you okay?" I turn away from the window and I look at my mother who is staring back at me with worry in her eyes.

"Yes I'm fine" I barley manage to get those three simple words out in a whisper, my voice is still a little raspy from when I was crying earlier.

I give my mom a slight forced smile, and I turn and walk up the stairs.

I walk into my bedroom closing the door behind me in the process and I walk over to my bed and I just sit there with my head in my hands thinking about everything that just happened, not even an hour ago.

I've been dumped, I just figured out that Jordan's been getting hurt by his stepfather, Jordan is probably moving in with us, and to top it all off he decides to kiss my girlfriend... Well ex girlfriend.

You know what? I don't even care, if she wants Jordan she can have Jordan. I don't need her I don't need nobody, I'm J-Money.

Its just not the same without Ramona there to tell me "nobody calls you that" I sigh and I lean back on my bed.

I hear the door open, its probably Max. "Dude you're a hot mess" yeah that's Max's voice.

"I know" I agree.

I feel my bed push in and I turn my head to see Max sitting on my bed.

"So bro, how's it going?" Max asks, even though he clearly knows the answer.

"Why did you tell Ramona to break up with me?" I ask him.

"Because I didn't want to risk you getting hurt" Max says.

"Well I'm heartbroken, so you should've told her not to break up with me" I say as I turn my head away from him.

"Well it's the thought that counts" Max says.

"Yeah I guess so" I whisper.


After my shower I walk into my room and I throw my towel somewhere close to my bed. I turn off the room light and I get under my covers on my bed. Everyone is probably sleep by now. Only thing you can hear is the light snores coming from Max.

Jordan came in with with the biggest grin on his face, making me even more madder than I already was. Knowing the reason he probably is smiling so hard is because he was with Ramona.

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