Imagine for Angela

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A/N: This is my first requested imagine! All of the characters and storyline are from @Dylan__Stiles aka Angela and I hope you like it!

Angela's POV
I kept my eyes focused on the ball. I watched carefully as the server of the rival team bounced the ball a few times on the linoleum gym floor. The score was 23-22 and we needed 1 more point to win. I kept my stance prepared to release myself when the ball was near. I see her toss up the ball and smack it to our side. I passed it over, but it kept coming and going back and forth as I heard girls on each side yelling "Mine!" And "I got it!" The opposing team, the tigers, were not going down easy, we were both so far undefeated and they we were each other's biggest rivals. I saw a girl with the jersey number 4 pass the ball over hard, but Sara dives and hits it up just in time.
"Nice save!" I yell as the ball goes continuously back and forth. I knew what had to be done.
"Set me up!" I say getting in position. Allison nods and passes the ball upward, then Katie rushes over and sets it up and I run toward the ball and spike the ball over the net, the ball hitting the ground instantly. The crowd cheers as the scoreboard changes to 24-22 and my teammates huddle around me in a hug. We then line up, shake hands with the opposite team and the game is over.
I finally get out of the hug, and I start waking towards the locker room, when I hear a familiar voice call me. I turn around and I see Kyle with his arms open wide. He has 3 red roses in one hand and a huge grin on his face.
"Can I get a hug from the MVP?"
I smile and walk towards him. He pulls me into a tight hug and kisses me on the forehead.
"I thought you had practice today!" I said surprised to see him.
"Well I did but I couldn't miss your big game, and I'm glad I didn't or I would've missed that killer spike." He said poking me, making me blush.
"Angela?" I turn around and see my coach waving me over.
"I gotta go babe, I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask.
"Definitely." He says handing me the roses and planting a sweet kiss on my lips. My face gets red and I make my way over to my coach.
"Good game today, keep up the good work." She says. "Now get changed and head home. You deserve some rest."
"Thanks coach."
I walk into the locker room with a few more girls praising me for my spike. I get changed, packed my bag and I realize I'm last one out, so I turn off the light and shut the door behind me.
"Hey." I quickly turn around, startled. It was just Geo, one of Kyle's friends.
"Oh my god Geo you nearly scared the shit out of me." It was just us in the hallway.
"Well I had to congratulate the sexiest girl on the team for her big win." He said as we walked down the hall towards the lobby, where my friends were waiting.
"Um, thanks." I say feeling weird.
"I wouldn't call myself the sexiest girl on the team but whatever."
Geo smirked.
"That's only because you're so humble. You're actually the sexiest one in this school."
There was that weird feeling again.
"Sorry," He said.
"I can't help it that you're so beautiful. Your long, black hair and your big brown eyes. And you can play volleyball? That's like my perfect woman."
"" I couldn't think of anything to say.
"No wonder Kyle is so crazy about you."
I smiled.
"Yea he's amazing."
"But let's just say if he didn't go to out school or lived in like, I don't know, Alaska. What would it take for you to date me?"
I thought of what I could say to avoid this conversation all together but I was drawing a blank.
Before Geo could say anything else, I see Sara and Allison waiting for me by the doors.
" Oh I gotta go, I'll see you another time maybe?" I said walking towards them.
"Ok, seeya around gorgeous." He says sitting on the bench.
Sara, Allison and I all walk to Allison's car. She's our usual ride after our games.
"So what were you talking about with Geo?" Sara asks confused.
"I think he was flirting with me." I said.
"No way! Doesn't he know about you and Kyle?"
"Yea, him and Kyle are both on the football team and they're friends too."
"Are you gonna tell Kyle?" Allison asked turning into my neighborhood.
"I don't think I should. It was just some harmless flirting. Plus you know how Kyle gets about these type of things. He freaks out and always ends up getting into a fight about it and it's not like it's happened more than once. I'll just let it slide and Kyle doesn't have to know."
I thank Allison for the ride and I head upstairs to my bedroom, tired.
I change into my pajamas and brush my hair into a ponytail, when my phone buzzes. I look down at my phone.
1 new message from: Kyle💖😘
I slide open my phone.

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