Chapter 44: Secrets Will Out

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Shon whistled, sliding down against the wall on his back. He ran his hand through his curly light brown hair. His skin was pale, the freckles standing out more than ever. Ari leaned on Rale's wooden table, staring intently at her cooled tea. To her right, Fris curled up with her chin tucked on her knees, red hair framing her face.

Rale stood with his back to the group, watching the sky lights turn from white to orange, bathing the skyline in a flaming glow. He'd objected to Ari bringing everyone back to his place, but the truth was there were no other safe zones. If what Kena said was true, and Ari felt there was more truth to it every second, then they would have ears and eyes everywhere. Everything would be seen and recorded except, hopefully, for Rale's flat, if his ability were to be trusted.

"We're shut out of most of the higher decisions normally, but we Peacekeepers have been told absolutely nothing about what happened in Area Seven yesterday," said Shon. "A few of my colleagues have asked around, but nobody disclosed anything. The Investigators have been doling out some harsh punishment to those who snooped, so we don't dare to ask any more. We just do."


Shon swallowed. "We've been raiding the homes of all the students involved with Kena. Some of them are in pretty awful states; it's hard to imagine people actually lived there. A few of the Users from down under who survived that onslaught yesterday were hiding back home. It was silly, really... their homes were the first places we'd search. We detained all of them. They're in the cells beneath Administration now."

"Anyway, considering you've had the best of both words, Ari," said Rale, turning around and raising an eyebrow, "being best buddies with both Kena and Lira, shouldn't you have the most information of us all?"

"I'm hardly buddies with Lira. And don't get me started on that madwoman."

"She let you out pretty quickly even though you stormed Area Ten."

Shon seemed scandalised at Rale's words. "Ari did what?!"

Ari shrugged. "Lira wanted me, not Mina."

"Have you learned nothing from this whole thing with Area Six?"

"There are bigger issues at stake, Shon. March City isn't real."

Shon bit his lip, torn. Rale stared at Ari and flopped down next to her.

"What did Lira want with you anyway?"

"I thought she was going to grill me, but she just strip-searched me."

"Just..." muttered Shon, shaking his head.

"She took Kena's vaccine off me. But there was nothing else. I don't even have my phone any more. She didn't seem to care about what I have to say. She just told me to keep my nose out or there will be consequences... as if I haven't been told fifty times already." Ari could see Lira's pale face. The loss of composure was a stark contrast to her usual frigid, collected persona. "Apparently whatever Kena said to her had knocked her pretty hard – I haven't seen the ice queen actually look shocked."

"You think Kena told her about the vaccine?" whispered Mina.

"Why else would she take it off me?"

"You know, if Lira believes her I really don't think Kena is as crazy as she seems," said Rale, cocking his head. "Just as well I kept enough back for us."

"You only need one drop," said Fris. She had been the most hesitant of the lot to take the liquid and took the last drop after much agonising. The empty test tube sat on its side on the table. "I don't think you even need one drop. I've read up on Kena's research since we got back. She's clever. So clever. Super-concentration and perfect distillation of substances would be so easy for her."

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