The next week we were back at Hogwarts and nothing had changed. People looked at Harry and me, and suspected somethings was going on. I would always hold onto his arm, and hold his hand. People stared.
"Hey," I started to tell Harry in common room one night. "Can I tell you something?" I needed to tell him about what happened at Malfoy Manor.. I had no choice..
"You can tell me anything," He said, with a slight amusement to his tone. He didn't know what was coming..
"At Ma-"
"Lexa!" Hermione shouted, stepping through the door with Ron. "Professor Dumbledore asked you to see him, immediately. He said it was very important.. I wouldn't keep him waiting if I were you." She gave me a sorry look, seeing I was talking with Harry. I sighed.
"Well, if it's important.." I talked quietly to myself. I stood up from my place on the couch next to Harry and turned around. I waved softly to Harry and gave him a slight smile.
"Be careful on the way there," he told me. I nodded, and walked out of the common room. I stepped out into the cold corridor and shivered as goosebumps ran up my body. It wasn't that I was dressed in particularly cooler clothing,--being in a sweatshirt and jeans--but the air had a sudden dullness to it. I kept walking, and went down a few flights of stairs. Something didn't feel right.. It was almost too cold, too dull.
I gasped as Mrs. Norris came around the corner. I was out after hours! She started meowing, and hissing at me.
"Shh! Be quiet you bloody cat!" I growled at her. She hissed even more. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.
"Well well!" Filch wheezed, and made me jump. "Out of your common room at a late hour, are you? I suppose you're trying to plan a-"
"I'm going to see Professor Dumbledore, if you would like to go against his words," I said, seizing him up. He glared at me with his squinty eyes and pushed past me with his scrawny cat dragging at his heels. I rolled my eyes as he limped out of sight, and continued to Dumbledore's office.
I shrieked as a hand cupped around my mouth and nose, and struggled out of the grasp as the person wrapped their arm around my waist and arms. I kicked at the person, being completely unaware of who was holding me. I shook my head from the person's arm, as they were covering my nose and mouth and I couldn't breathe. I shook my head from the person's hand a screamed. I saw a flash of silver out of the corner of my eye, and I instantly stopped. I started to pant, and tried to turn my head around to see who it was.
"Don't try and scream or you'll get it." No! I knew that voice from somewhere!!
It was Draco.
"Bellatrix made me swear to kill you after you left at the dinner." I felt the cool flat side of the metal being pressed against my throat.
"Don't- Don't do it.." I whispered.
"You're just saying that because you don't want to die!" he shouted, then lowered his voice. "You're a nuisance to us, you're just going to cause trouble when we try to kill Dumbledore. You're nothing but a pain to the Dark Lord." He tried to make the words hurt, but I didn't feel any pain. I already knew everything he said. I was glad to be a nuisance.
"Don't do it Draco," I hissed. He pressed the flat harder to my throat, and I winced as the top of it cut into my skin.
"Don't tell me what to do!" he shouted again, and pushed in even more. I let out a shriek, and struggled out of his grasp, cutting my neck even more in the process. He swiped it over my arm, and I punched his fist. The blade skidded to the floor, and I pulled out my wand as he ran to grab it.

Life of a Malfoy
FanfictionAlexandria Malfoy is almost sure she knows exactly who she is when she steps onto the Hogwarts express with her twin brother, Draco. But when she steps off with Harry Potter, her world turns upside down. She tries to break the Slytherin Princess st...