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I was in my room. Reading.

It's been a week since I last saw Rikkard. And trust me, I miss him terribly.

I mean, who won't. The love of your life who refuse to accept you but you love him dearly, I think you would miss him.

I was so engrossed in reading that I nearly missed the doorbell. I got up from my seat and closed my book and placed it on the night stand.

I climbed down the stairs and walked to the door. That's when I heard a noise form my back.

"Oh God Chelsea. What did you do?" I asked.

Chelsea was the daughter of my neighbour. She is out on a date with her husband and wanted me to take care of her.

I did. Though Adrian is not here.

He is out at his grandmother's place. Where both of his grandparent's are there.

Oh, Even Rikkard's mother.

"I am sorry. I was trying to open the bottle of water but it slipped." She called out.

"It's okay sweety." I said.

I turned my face to see who was at my door at this time. 

I froze. 

I saw something which I never thought I will see.

It was Rikkard. He had tears in his eyes.

I looked at him and my heart flipped.

But I have to remember that he don't remember me.

"Yes. How may I help you?" I asked.

"I was looking for my wife. Her name is Sapphire. I heard she lives in this house." He said.

Oh god. This is the thing which we used to do when either one of us were upset from the other one.

"Yes you are right. But as far as I remember, you asked Sapphire to get out of your life." I said.

"I know. And I know that I am very very late to say sorry. But I still am here." He said.

Tears were flowing out of our eyes. It was so hard to control ourselves.

"I am sorry. But she is not here." I said.

"Okay. So will you pass on a message?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"Tell her that Rikkard is sorry. Sorry for the ten years she spent alone. Sorry for pushing her out of his life. Sorry for all the tears. Sorry for the loneliness. And tell her that he was suffering from amnesia. But now, that he has recovered and remembers everything, he wants her back in his life. He needs her in his life. Or he won't be able to live. And most of all, he needs her love and forgiveness." He said.

"Let me tell you, Mr. Rikkard. She heard each and every word of yours and wants to tell you that she forgive you and wants to be in your life." With that I pulled him to me and hugged him with all my might. He hugged me back.

And crying in each other's arms. 

"I am sorry. I am so sorry." He kept on chanting.

His body shook.

"Shh..." I shushed him.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault." I said.

"I am back." A voice startled us.

We pushed each other and I looked at the door to find Mom, Dad, Rachel Rikkard's Mom and Adrian.

"What happened mommy? Why are you crying?" He asked.

I looked at Rikkard who was staring at Adrian with a blank expression.

Then his eyes met mine and his eyes asked me the question.

I nodded. 

He sharply turned to look at Adrian and the joy on his face was beyond expressed.

He ran to Adrian and hugged him.

"Daddy? What took you so long to come?" Adrian asked innocently.

Rikkard looked at me and I smile to tell him that his son knew about him.

"Daddy is sorry for coming late. But he promises that he won't do it again." Rikkard said. He extended his arm to me and I grabbed it. He pulled me to them and we were hugging.

"You better not. Or else mom won't give you chocolates on Sunday. This is what she does to me when I am late." He said. Rikkard laughed.

I smiled. Today was the best day of my life.

Because today my family was complete and today the sun finally rose after the dark knight.

Crushed Lilies | Charming Tales Series Book : 1 ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя