She's taken all the fish

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I grew up on an estate when I was younger, I knew everyone. House to house, door to door. I'm a tomboy you see I mean I wear make up an all and I'll occasionally wear a dress but i will never be without trainers (I hate heels , there hurt and I'm not putting my feet through that pain!) .

I've never really got along with girls so I was mates with most of the boys from my road we done everything together. We played football, made campfires, went egging (we even made mud pies >.<) . Until I met my boyfriend at the times sister. Daisey-mæ.
Daisey-mæ is beautiful. She had chocolate brown hair that perfectly fell like a waterfall down to her peach bum and deep brown eyes that would loose you forever if you got trapped.

Me and Daisey-mæ became friends quicker than you can say "cunt" and I enjoyed her company but after a while I realised she wasn't the "virgin Mary" she'd made herself out to be, I introduced her to the boys , Micky, Taylor, Kai, Cameron and Daniel.
Daisey-mæ had told me when she got home that four of them where her ex's the only fucking fish left in the pond was Taylor!

After this I was cautious of her I didn't want a name for myself and wasn't gonna wait for her to date all my friends. Our friendship ended when she called my little cousin "fit". Ok.. You shag/flirt/marry/drug anyone you want but not my fucking family, ESPECIALLY my little cousin!
I will never let my cousin date a hoe we have a stronger bond than anyone I know. It's probably because we have a small family , he is my twin and I love the little cunt to pieces.

Where was I? Oh yeah! This slut was trying to give my cousin her STDs and was asking me "ooh does he like me" at this point I'm not sure how I didn't kill a slut. If your my friend, don't try moving onto my family.

The moral of the story is don't be a little hoe and DONT try and date your best friends family! Unless you would like to be killed, buried and decomposed.. Toodles! Xox

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