"Grandmaaaa, I told you, I don't like him, though I'm pretty sure he likes me. I dunno, he's cute, I guess." I decided, though I wished I was lying, I wasn't. Brendon was okay, I mean, he was attractive, but that didn't mean I liked him. 

"Sureee, Ry. Just go on, this is the one you have a date with tomorrow, right?" After spending maybe two hours talking to Grandma about anything and everything, she decided to go to bed, there for I decided to go to bed too. My side was bruised up pretty badly from where I'd hit the corner of the table, but I still managed to sleep, on the couch, pretty soundly.

You know how most people wake up in the morning to the smell of...oh, let's say bacon? Or get tickled awake from their grandmother? Well, I wasn't. I was woken in the worst possible way. Besides simply flipping the light on or dumping a cup of water on my head, I was sat on.

I was jolted awake as weight was suddenly added upon my back. My eyes shot open, I automatically began to squirm beneath the person. When I craned my head over my shoulder, I realized it was Brendon. 

"Brendon, you fucking pig, get off me!" I'd decided calling Brendon a pig was my favorite hobby. Besides roasting him in public. He burst out laughing, shaking his head in refusal. I huffed from beneath him, he was slowly squashing me to a pancake!

"Good morning to you too, Princess! I texted you this morning, telling you to be awake and ready by nine." He answered, leaning over towards my ear. A shiver was sent down my spine as he breathed on my neck. I raised my hand to swat at him.

"What time is it?" I asked, in a grunt. 


"So you've been here for an entire hour, and you didn't think to wake me up until now?!" I growled, my voice raising. I stared out the doorway of the living room, where Grandma soon walked in, eating a cookie. She smiled softly, looking between us. 

"Yes, actually, Ryan, he has. We've just been sitting at the dining room table talking," Grandma began. Brendon nodded ecstatically, finally sliding off of me. "Yeah! Her cookies are really good, you're lucky, Ry." Brendon finished.

I huffed, rolling off the couch to get to my feet. My side was throbbing, but at the moment I was forced to ignore it. "You didn't tell him anything embarrassing, did you?" I asked Grandma. She smirked, shrugging mysteriously. 

"Don't you two have a date to get going on?" She asked. I frowned, but Brendon was quick to nod, and take my hand, pulling me towards the kitchen. Grandma allowed it, she, instead, walked towards the office that branched off from the living room.

"I don't have any clothes here, Brendon." I complained, stopping in the kitchen despite his tugging on my arm. He stopped too, turning towards me with a smirk. I pulled a cookie from a plate, smiling softly as it basically melted in my mouth when I took a bite.

"I know. Within that hour I drove back to my place and grabbed an outfit. By the way, if you were wondering how I knew you were here, your father told me the address when I stopped by." Brendon said, answering the one question that'd been burning in my mind. I shrugged, letting him push me to the bathroom. 

In the bathroom, was a pile of clothes beside the sink. Before Brendon could walk in too, I turned and shut the door, clicking it locked. He protested with a grunt, but I ignored it, quickly changing from my original pair of clothes, into the ones he was lending me. 

The shirt was a little too long on me, it was a black t-shirt with white stars all over it, and a moon in the corner. The pants were lighter colored skinny jeans, and he'd also grabbed me a jacket, all black. I decided to throw it on as well, then pulled out my Grandma's make up.

I dug for her eye pencil, and once I found it, I took about ten more minutes on each eye applying the black eyeliner. Though when I was finished, I liked how I looked. My hair was a mess, but I could care less about that. So I stormed from the bathroom, my clothes in my hands. Carelessly, I dropped them upon the dining room table, leaning over to pick my shoes up from beside the table leg.

"Your ass looks great in those jeans, by the way." Brendon called out, jingling the keys in his hand. I hesitated in my bent over position, inhaling slowly to calm my nerves before I went on a killing spree, and slipped my shoes on rather quickly. 

"Thank you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I passed him. I pushed through the screen door, but within a few seconds of walking, Brendon had caught up to me, and stole the chance to slap my ass. I yelped softly in surprise, turning to glare at him, but to find he was no longer behind me, but in front of me, holding the passenger door open.

"Touch my ass again, Urie, and we'll have some problems." I warned, grabbing the edge of the door to steady myself as I crawled into the car. Brendon waited for a few more seconds to make sure I was fully in, before letting the door shut. 

"Oh really? What're you gonna do? Slap me?" He teased as he got in as well. He pulled from the driveway, turning his face towards me for the answer of the question. I leaned over after snapping my seatbelt on, and grabbed his jaw firmly between my fingers.

"Watch yourself boy, I'm not afraid to slap you again." I playfully raised my eyebrows, pulling his face closer so I could gently kiss his chin. He snorted softly, pulling away to focus on the road. 

"You're not that intimidating, Ross." He said. I rolled my eyes, "Really? I'm not?" 

"No." I shook my head with a smirk. I would've answered again, but he was already drowning me out with some random band playing on the radio. Instead, I turned to lean against the door, staring out the window. As I did so, one thought crossed my mind.

Dallon really does fucking suck at soccer. 


it's ten at night thank me later

- sattie 

Heartbreaker [Ryden] [BOOK ONE]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя