7. Tag #2

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Random tag I decided to do because I can/ I wanted to. .(I always have such valid reasons, ik, ik) but yeah. .

1. What's your aesthetic?

Buildings. I dunno just yeah-

2. You're locked in a room with your celebrity crush, your book crush and your anime crush. They're all desperately in love with you, but you can only escape the room with one. Who would it be?

Fuck. .that's hard *tilts head* Jennifer Love Hewitt is my celebrity crush (she's really pretty, okay? Don't judge). Makoto is my anime crush (Yep. .that anime. Free! is amazing) And I don't really have a book crush so. . uh Jennifer Low Hewitt, bitch. (I'M SORRY MAKOTO. *cries*)

(*coughs* help *coughs*)

3. Last TV/ Anime/ movie/ book that made you cry?

Criminal Minds, the episode Spencer got shot because I love/hate that episode *cries more* (I told you I'm Criminal Minds trash)

4. Who are you crushing on in real life?

No one. I'm joking, EXO_DandP_GG

It's kinda obvious but it's not if that makes sense?? Idk?? Please help this confused person??

5. Favorite Youtuber (s)?

I watch a lot of people tbh but Dan and Phil. :3 (Phan af)

6. Who is your favorite author/person on Wattpad?

Everyone pretty much

7. Emojis or emoticons?

Both. I don't know really know so- moving on.

8. Your OTP becomes canon immediately, but only if you marry the villain in the universe your OTP is from.

*coughs* MakoHaru. Ren is basically the villain in that anime (?) so I'd have to marry Ren. I'm totally okay with that tbh

9. What's your dream kiss?

I haven't thought about it before so like eh

10. Take the nearest book from you and flip it to page 67. What's the first sentence on the page?

"You're not afraid of fire, are you, Katniss?" He sees my expression and grins. (Yep, The Hunger Games.)

11. Potter Head or Demigod?

*coughs* Harry Potter *coughs*

And yeah. .that's the end of this tag and I'm not tagging anyone because I'm lazy so ye bye

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